St. Martin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square, 3pm - 4.30pm.
Free Her Now!
When - Tuesday 17 December 2013 1500 – 1630 hrs
Where - St Martin in the Fields
Trafalgar Square
Tube - Charing Cross / Leicester Sq
(St Martins request that vigils on the steps are silent)
Thanks to Chelsea we know about
The “collateral murder” video of a US helicopter crew killing Iraqi civilians
The cover-up of rape in Iraq & Afghanistan
The extent of drone strikes
US dirty tricks in Haiti, Venezuela & elsewhere
The corruption of Tunisian dictator Ben Ali that spurred the 2011 revolution
Israel consulting Egypt & the Palestinian Authority before invading Gaza
Join with Veterans For Peace UK and other groups as we vigil for Chelsea.
This Vigil has been called by the Payday Men's Network.