“Don’t let their heartbeats stop!”
Silence death instead of public execution
Rouhani’s message of change

By: Shiva Mahbobi- CFPPI – Spokesperson
Diplomats from Islamic regime and the 5+1 group of “ world powers ” met in Geneva for a three-day meeting to discuss the issue of nuclear program in Iran. In their meeting there was no mention of the recent executions, torture and human rights abuse in Iran. We should not let the nuclear negotiations cast a shadow over human rights abuse under the Rohani’s regime.
The negotiation on nuclear program in Iran happened while hundreds of political prisoners are deprived of medication and medical attentions under the Rohani’s regime. According to a news published in the Guardian on 3rd November 2013 titled “Jailed human rights lawyer, Abdolfattah Soltani , has started a hunger strike”, Soltani’s daughter indicated that her father has been on a hunger strike since 2nd November 2013 to protest against the lack of providing necessary medical care for him and other political prisoners in Evin prison in the city of Tehran in Iran.
Mr Abdolfattah Soltani, a human right lawyer, is only one of the many prisoners whose news made it to the media, hundreds more of political prisoners are in the similar dangerous circumstances but they have not been mentioned in any newspaper or other mass media. No one knows that they are gradually dying. No one knows that the Islamic regime has condemned these prisoners to a silence death by depriving them of their medication and much needed medical attention. This link contains some of the cases.
While media primarily focuses on and interested in the negotiations over nuclear program in Iran as the only issue in Iran, Rohani and his regime is exterminating political prisoners by executing them, or by depriving them of medical attention. On 26th of October 2013 Habibolah Gilpari Pour, a well-known political activist, Reza Esmaeeli and also 16 other political prisoners were executed in Iran. Again, on 4th of November 2013 Sherkoo Maarefi, another political prisoners, was executed in west of Iran. Zaniar and Loghman Moradi, two well-known political prisoners, are in an imminent danger of being executed anytime soon. Moreover, the Islamic regime is massacring hundreds of political prisoners by the way of “silent death” to prevent the news and the statistic being reported as executions in the Islamic regime.
During the last 3 years, regime in Iran has systematically deprived prisoners from medical care. There are several letters including the letter from Evin Prison, which have been written by the political prisoners and have been smuggled out of prison, indicating the seriousness of lack of medical attention.
Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) has been constantly raising this concern in an attempt to bring it to the attention of the local as well as the international communities and lawmakers. This was done to emphasise on the seriousness of the lack of medical care for prisoners in Iran. CFPPI has also been calling on the international communities and human rights organisations to take an action against this “silent death” imposed on political prisoners by the Rounai’s regime.
Initially, CFPPI raised the issue of medical needs for political prisoners in Rajaee Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison with the European Union (EU) in 2012. This was followed by regular letters and updates to the EU, UN and other international human rights organisations to warn them of the massacre that is being committed by the Islamic government in Iran in the form of “Silent death”.
CFPPI has recently initiated a campaign called “Don’t let their heartbeats stop!” to gather support for the political prisoners in Iran whom have been deprived of much needed medical attention. This is a two-month campaign which started on 10 October 2013, the World Day Against the Death Penalty, and will continue until 10 December 2013, which is the Human Rights Day.
The purpose of this campaign is to highlight the seriousness of the condition of these political prisoners, to expose regime’s practice of silently killing political prisoners by depriving them from medical attention, and also to exert pressure on the regime to immediately and unconditionally provide medical care and medication to all prisoners.
The international community must not close their eyes on this crime being committed by the Islamic regime.
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