During one of the speeches, passions were flared over the plight of Kurds in Syria, some people claiming they were discriminated against and attacked by Assad, and others pointing out that Syria has welcomed in many refugees over the decades, and that Syria is one of the few countries where the PPK was not active – a certain sign that Kurds didn’t feel under threat.
Whatever the truth, and there were many different views on this and other matters, there did seem to be two observations that united everyone. First, that outside interference has massively escalated problems in Syria, with different groups, internal and external, all trying to make their own gains out of the chaos. Second, that the alleged chemical attack in Ghouta, was almost certainly not by the Syrian Army, and that the mainstream media is colluding in a giant lie, as it did over Iraq and Libya.
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Supporting the 24/7 ongoing vigil and analsis rom "Democracy Now"
04.09.2013 11:59
Giuseppe Conlon House decided this morning decided to aim to send at least 1 person into the vigil each day, until it builds to a point where we are not needed.
3 of our people are on their way in now.
I would suggest if you find yourself nearby, swing by... even 20-30 mins. Ask how you can help these folks sustain the vigil.
This is a good analysis from "Democracy Now" of the state of play re: upcoming U.S.bombing of Syria probably with covert support from British military and intelligence.
U.S. bases in England will probably be employed as the war escalates following initial bombardment.
Ciaron - Giuseppe Conlon House