'24 Hour 0n-going Peace Strike Picket'
Outside the US Embassy, Grosvenor Square W1A 2LQ
Starting 7pm Monday 3rd August 2013
Forward plan For an Emergency.....Forward plan For an Emergency.....Forward plan For an Emergency.....
A 24hr on-going Peace-picket will be established outside the US Embassy in solidarity with the innocent civilians of Syria. Even though the UK government voted 285-272 against military action against Syria, this was by 13 votes - a small margin that could easily change - determined by fast moving circumstances. It does not mean that if US decide to attack Syria that the UK will not be drawn in at a later date. We must not assume that this matter has gone away. If the US attack Syria, it could escalate neighbouring countries, including Israel and allies of Iran. This would be a 'Game Changer' and would force UK to back USA and Israel.
France has now joined the US in support of air strikes. France sold £800,000 worth of arms to the Assad regime.
Our role as a peace movement must be to support the people of Syria. To date no evidence has been presented as to who deployed the chemical weapons in Syria. There is danger in overloaded conflicting misinformation. It will take two weeks for the UN inspectors to give any conclusive evidence. These people are the experts and any other sources cannot be relied on. Either way, no matter what is announced, we firmly oppose ANY military strike or intervention which will only kill and maim unlimited thousands of people, families and children.
Obama has again announced that he supports military air strikes of 'limited duration and scope' against Syria. The day after the UK vote, Friday 30th August, the US Secretary of State, John Kerry made a powerful classic propaganda speech full of moving but non-factual statements. Many commented that they were moved by his speech. Power and spin can be very potent.
President Obama has announced that he will present the case to Congress for a vote on September 9th. Public opinion is not in favour of air strikes - expect more strong rhetoric to now to manipulate opinion.
At anytime things could escalate. We must be alert not to be caught off guard.
The only realistic way forward is to hold peace talks, negotiate, and uphold international law.

Emergency Action for Syria
The aim of this action is to promote a 'peace strike picket' to highlight the power that each individual has in their own right. We are 'On strike for peace'. We will call an international strike should US start military strikes against Syria.
Anyone who does any activity “within the system” is actually supporting it. Therefore to start with, we need 3 days of:
NO LABOUR ! – Only emergency workers and essential workers carry on, the rest of us shut down.
NO SCHOOL, COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY, NURSERY – To prevent death and injury to others, it is more important to register your concerns, rather than worry about a few days off.
NO TRANSPORT! - Buses, underground, trains, planes.
NO TV! –– They sensationalise war.
Includes: students, pensioners, homeworkers, anyone and everyone on benefit and disability allowance.
*Strike does not include emergency and essential workers whose work and travel we support. Police, Fire Service, Nurses, Doctors, Ambulance, Carers and Emergency Utility Workers.
The strike involves discipline and motivation, based on a 'duty of care' for humanity. Listen to your conscience and do not be afraid to do what is right. Compassion is vital for humanity. Without compassion we are mere empty vessels.
We acknowledge that a mass strike could cause hardship. This would be minimal to us compared with “surgical Strikes” to civilians in Syria. This will be limited by mutual co-operation within our communities. It's up to us to create our own opportunity to have a voice against war that will be heard, and will have real effect. If we don't act now we could face a future of endless war....
Be kind to one another and we will endure.
Code of conduct
All Peace Strike Pickets are operated with a strike policy of no alcohol, drugs, verbal abuse or any anti-social behaviour.
To promote peace we need to be peaceful in our manner.
We are representing the Syrian people in there time of need.
1st Sept, Arab League calling for action against Syria from international community.
2nd Sept Boris Johnson, Mayor of London calling for 2nd vote in Parliament.
To be updated.......

Peace Strike "ON STRIKE FOR PEACE" 0744 859 9856