Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU. 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Free.
Similar events in Edinburgh, Manchester and Newport throughout the week. See website for details.
There has rarely been a more crucial time to interrogate the safety of this technology and question the partiality of the scientific community analysing it. During the G8 forum this year David Cameron pledged £395 million from the UK Aid budget to support private initiatives involved in spreading GM crops in Africa. This investment, under the guise of aid, will lock small-scale farmers into a dependency on corporate providers of seeds and chemical fertilisers.
Yet resistance to GM in its birthplace, the USA, is having a renaissance. We will also be joined by the founders of Food Democracy Now!, a grassroots movement who are at the forefront of the battle against big agribusiness in the States and who have been working with over 650,000 farmers and citizens to challenge the stranglehold of GM and its attendant herbicides.
This event, organised by Members of the UK food Sovereignty movement, with assistance from War on Want, World Development Movement and the Gaia Foundation aims to give you the information not currently available in the mainstream media.