People are pushing back the spread of workfare: One provider has complained that it has 100 fewer placements each week in its area alone. In recent weeks, Argos and Homebase claim to have pulled out of workfare, Wetherspoons has followed them and Debenhams are wobbling. The government has been ordered to reveal the list of workfare exploiters but keeps appealing: it is terrified that the public response will spell the end for workfare.
Now is the time to keep pushing.
On 6-14 July, the week that the poverty profiteers of the workfare industry will be gathering for their annual convention, let’s remind them there’s a lot to be worried about!
-> Call an action in your town or city: A walking tour of shame, surprise visits to your least favourite workfare exploiters, flash mobs, a chain gang… whatever sounds fun to you!
-> Order copies of our know your rights leaflet and get them to the people who need them!
-> Take part in daily online actions targeting those who profit from workfare.
Whatever you plan, post it on this event's wall and we’ll help spread the word. Boycott Workfare can help with the costs of props, printing or travel, so tell us if that would be useful too! info[at]boycottworkfare[dot]org
Let the workfare profiteers know: If you exploit us, we will shut you down!
Brighton - Meet at M&S, Western Road, 12 pm Saturday 13th

Edinburgh - to come
Glasgow - meet outside M&S on Argyle Street, 1pm Saturday 13th July

(note link isn't working for all, but details above are right!)
Hackney - Marks and Spencers, Hackney Narrow Way, Saturday 13th

Brixton - Infostall outside Brixton Job Centre, Brixton Road, from 11am (to about 1-2pm) on Wednesday 10th July

Sheffield - Meeting at Town Hall, 1pm Saturday 6th July, before moving off:

Nottingham - blockade Framework's social media presence all week online: