ferocious attack against the poor and the have-nots..
The Mail on Sunday has hired the Rightwing "insider" from the even more Right-wing SPECTATOR. Their boast this past weekend was that IDS would never budge on his
ferocious attack against the poor and the have-nots..
With the Miliband Labour Front bench increasing exposed as a lackey to the Neo Cons, people ion Britain are facing real hardship. Ordinary people that is.Not the robbers looters whose Party the Cons are.
So how about joining the petition that has reached over 577,000 signatures?
Please spend a couple of minutes of your time and put your signature online that Dom Aversano, from South West London started.

Although he has delivered one collection, there is another one that is waiting to back that up, when the numbers signing reaches 500,000!
Please join and make the numbers reach 500,000!
477,503 at 0648 GMT Tuesday 04 June 2013
Another 22,497 signatures needed to add up to 500,000!