Simon Deacon012433756314/Sally Taviner,Team Leader SouthEast-01794 832796.
If you can't get through to them try :Hannah Hyland 01903 703952 or the Chichester Office: 01243 756301.
Their aiming to get approval by DECC who can then grant Cuadrilla drilling consent. Government/industry must NOT be allowed to be negligent in by passing dangers both to people& wild ecology. How DARE they disregard overwhelming public opinion - let alone our long-term safety?!
Simon Deacon012433756314/Sally Taviner,Team Leader SouthEast-01794 832796.
If you can't get through to them try :Hannah Hyland 01903 703952 or the Chichester Office: 01243 756301.
Tell them you haven't been properly informed of Cuadrilla's plans/intentions in Balcombe& haventt had remotely sufficient opportunity to question& understand the direct& wider Sussex impacts of their going ahead with drilling& fracking there.
Do NOT be fobbed off by assertions that they are only drilling (which is bad enough in itself). Cuadrilla have permission for acid fracking (contrary to their claims) and THEY ARE A FRACKING COMPANY - if they find what they're looking for they will seek to go to production stage with high volume hydraulic fracturing.
-Where will Cuadrilla get the vast quantities of fresh water needed for the process? Will they pay for it? (We had a drought last summer).
-Where will Cuadrilla dump toxic, radioactive frack effluent? Dumped previously in the Manchester Ship Canal with EA sanction? (Supposedly treated 1st).
-What is being done to safeguard at least4 endangered species around the Lower Stumble woods - dormice, great crested newts, returning red kites& water voles?
-Ask for a method statement for the surveying and monitoring of wildlife impacts.
-What regulation is there on noise and emissions by methane flaring& venting of VOC's& PAH's (volatile organic compounds& polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)?
Ask for a method statement for the monitoring of all air toxics and contaminants.
-Are Cuadrilla exempt from the EU Mining Waste Directive (and if so WHY?!) which would require them to monitor underground waste left in capped wells, for decades hence - which would otherwise subsequently leak into the water table.
=The EA received a method statement only on this Monday 27 May 2013. The community has not seen that method statement!
-Its essential the public get the opportunity to see, review, comment& question the method statements&associated documents,Caudrilla have been proven dishonest
-They have caused earthquakes,damaged2of 4 wells in Lancashire& reprimanded by government for continuing to drill a knowingly damaged well without declaration.
-They are dishonest when they say they will not be fracking at test stage. Acid treatment is an acid frack. Stimulation is fracking.
-They have been censured by the Advertising Standards Authority for making false claims on promotional leaflets to residents.
-They misconducted the Environmental Risk Assessment for Banks in Lancashire.
(It was conducted in secret with Cranfield University& a few hand picked residents).
-They lied about their survey results in Lancashire.
-They conducted a phone survey without Parish Council consent
-The previous CEO Mark Miller did not know until we told him that polyacrylamide degrades into highly toxic acrylamide.
links for local grp& via twitter @ momement