major insecticide manufacturers.

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Greenpeace reported after Bayer the biggest beekillers are Syngenta (Switzerland), Monsanto (USA), BASF (Germany) and Dow Chemical (USA).

Contact Bayer

"At least 143 million of the 442 million acres—that is, nearly one-third—of US cropland is planted with crops treated with one of three neuroactive insecticides related to nicotine (a newer class of pesticide called neonicotinoids), all of which are known to be highly toxic to bees: clothianidin, imidacloprid, and/or thiamethoxam."
Bayer Kills Birds Too

"Common insecticides toxic to bees
Orthene 75S (acephate)
Address 75 WSP (acephate)
Sevin (Carbaryl)
Lorsban 4E (Chlorpyrifos)
Dimate (Dimethoate)
Steward 1.25 SC (Indoxacarb)
Lannate (Methomyl)
Cheminova Methyl 4EC (Methyl Parathion)
Penncap M (microencapsulated Methyl Parathion)
Tracer (Spinosad)
Highly toxic and banned in the US
Aldrin banned by US EPA in 1974[53]
Dieldrin banned by US EPA in 1974[54]
lindane, BHC (banned in California)"
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