Hare being terrorised in waterlogged field at Irish coursineg event
Protest against cruel hare coursing at Irish parliament, The Dail.
Now one of the most important Irish cultural initiatives of recent decades has effectively disowned the cruel baiting of live animals for "sport"...In a significant blow to the credibility of bloodsports in Ireland, the "The Gathering" has removed hunting from its events website
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports has reacted to this heartening development with this statement: " A big thank you to The Gathering for responding positively to an ICABS appeal and removing hunting from its website. One of the deleted listings was for a fair which promotes itself as being "supported by all the main hunting organisations" and includes a digging contest, "rabbits, lurchers and long nets" and hunt horse and hound displays.
A spokesperson for The Gathering told ICABS that "like Failte Ireland, we do not support blood sport and will not advertise any Gathering that promotes it."
ICABS greatly welcomes this positive response. In a year when Ireland is portraying its many positives, it is appropriate to exclude bloodsport-related events. Internationally condemned hunting and hare coursing bring shame on the nation.
We are encouraging all compassionate Irish citizens, at home and abroad, to join the campaign to rid Ireland of animal cruelty and help secure a ban on hunting and coursing".
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