I'm guessing the promoters and other bands don't know what a fucked up group this band is, and the support they give to the racist UKBA.
(A) punk in London | 02.02.2013 23:04 | Anti-racism | Culture | Migration | London
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lets not bully individuals
03.02.2013 09:59
all you will do is turn him and his friends into sympathizers to the harder right wing.
how is this bullying?
03.02.2013 11:04
03.02.2013 11:54
I and no one else is your bitch. Do it yourself lazy
get lost
Nazi punks fuck off
03.02.2013 12:06
To the poster: thanks for this info, it's very much appreciated, let's all help spread it as widely as possible and let the venue, other bands, and all decent punks know what this band represents. If the band doesn't pull out the gig should be picketed.
To the Nazi so-called punk who arrests children and has sent the Saleh family into a life of terror and hiding: words fail. If you still have a spark of decency in you, why not quit your job and do something like useful like write a full expose of UKBA methods, go on a speaking tour grassing up your former fascist colleagues, etc.?
not actually the UKBA punk's band
03.02.2013 15:50
if it was actually the guy then i think it would be meaningful to do something, but just for someone connected to him..? a bit much. fuck the guy he's scum but there is not really any point. leave the fashion punks to their bullshit - so many more of these people are full of shit also.
even to call someone right wing...
03.02.2013 16:20
it makes total sense because other people having opinions makes no sense to me.
@ "anarchist"
03.02.2013 17:24
It's not the band with UKBA enforcers in it, but I will defo having a few word with Gagzy at this gig, shame to see him going right wing in his old age.
Stockwell Skinhead
the point I am trying to make...
03.02.2013 17:39
What is right wing?
03.02.2013 18:53
And when someone is treating other people as badly as the UKBA treat people, I think those involved in this treatment and those who defend them should expect some criticism. If you actually bother to learn the history of why people immigrate then maybe you will not have a problem with immigrants.
And re this band coming to play here- I'm glad I now know what this dude's son does. How dare he use the trappings of radical politics to promote his band when he defends his son's actions. Gagz- I wonder if you ever really got the politics you pretend to support?
I am not advocating violence against either band. Just advocating that you do not support them.
They don't want your support
03.02.2013 21:26
Keep your big noses out of it if you don't understand what the music is about.
go and listen to your own music and leave everyone else alone
Public right
Searching for a visual clarity
04.02.2013 00:29
Is the so-called 'progressive punk' the one walking towards the camera at 3.04/3.05/3.06? With the white sleeves sticking out?
concerned punker
Previous comment refers to video in the link
04.02.2013 00:32
concerned punker
@ concerned punker
04.02.2013 09:35
Drew Wade
Be careful of Gagz
04.02.2013 09:46
Working Class Socialist
04.02.2013 10:03
Informed opinion
04.02.2013 20:02
Phoebe Webber
just to clarify
05.02.2013 11:44
With regards to No Choice, members of the band (and not Gagz) have been heard to say "well they shouldn't have lied when they entered the country", "Nicky is not a nazi he has good politics" and "he does good work for the UKBA too, he doesn't just deport people" amongst other things. Like they've never lied to authority... something I feel is a moral obligation. As for Gagz, by all accounts he has defended not just his son, but his son's actions too.
How you feel about this information and how you act is up to you as an individual... But in my opinion you can't pick and choose the faces of facism that you are against and support other faces just because of a family link. I guess that given his (assumed?) politics, Gagz has failed to impart a sense of morality to his son and as such his own are called into question. Antifa? Or benefit gigs to promote your band?
kairdiff kid
we are NOT pro ukba
05.02.2013 19:16
It seems there is a small group of people trying to tarnish our name (annonimously from behind a computer) and everything this band has stood for for the last 30 years. if you look through the crowd at a no choice gig chances are you'll see plenty of prominent members of cardiff anti fa supporting the band and what we stand for. This whole thing started a few months ago and since then loads of people have had their names dragged through the dirt and its then left to them and us to try and clear our names.
In short this is a load of bullshit. Read through some of our lyrics and you should get a good idea where we're coming from
We're still playing the gig as we feel we haven't done anything wrong and hopefully it'll be a chance for us to put this to rest. If you feel the need to ask us about this, please do instead of hating on us from afar.
lewis (no choice)
e-mail: toastyroach@hotmail.com
No choice: are you thick?
05.02.2013 19:48
Apart from that, Nicky and all at UKBA: you are all sick bastards, despite any 'good work' you think you do. Whatever help you feel you have given to migrants who are forced to drag themselves through the immigration system, there are thousands of other people whose lives you have destroyed. You do not deserve to be able to sleep at night.
I have better things to do, and do those things as well as this thing
Pathetic lies from pathetic sad fucks.
09.02.2013 08:28
the abusive gagz
09.02.2013 10:02
So, have you bothered to check the guidelines and contact the mods? Perhaps you've donated shed-loads of money so that they can employ someone to moderate the posts, and this is why you're irate?
The word 'police' is a rather unfortunate choice of words in relation to the site, but as you can't see the problem with your son mounting dawn raids on families as part of the racist immigration sytem, its hardly surprising that you come across as an authoritarian ranter.
Homepage: https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/static/editorial.html
Starbucks v ukba
09.02.2013 21:49
Gagz you are thick as shit
It's Official - Jeffrey Marsh Bottles It!
16.02.2013 23:28
Tell all your friends, dudes, and remember to remind all on sundry that Casuals United no longer exist.
Fat Fascist Marshbubbles Is A Prize Coward
Will the real Drew Wade please stand up...
18.02.2013 13:37
This is the only post I'm going to make, the other posts by 'Drew Wade' on here are by some slightly disturbed moron who enjoys stirring up some serious Internet shit. Seriously guys there's a valid discussion to be had here but if you can't see there are also some extremely devious manipulative individuals at work here there's not much hope.
PS if this person/s wants to contact me ill happily provide you with a signed photograph and maybe some soiled underwear. All my love, the real Drew Wade x
You are all seriously retarded
26.02.2013 19:13
You're idiots, just complete idiots.
Changing the world by slandering a band, its affiliates and the guy who sold them a subway that one time.
It's pure non-sense and I actually feel sorry for you that you have nothing better to do.
Maybe if your life had any worth of it's own, it may put your childish internet campaigns in to perspective.
Your morals can't be questioned, of course I'm sure it's for all the right reasons, but your method is just plain dumb.
I have no doubt this post will remain 'public' for all of ten minutes before admin decide it's not 'left-wing' enough and I'm 'pro-ukba' or 'an apologist', but if it riles even just the one of you, I can live with that.
You are no better than the 'evil' you seem to be so misguidedly fighting, an eye for an eye and all that...oh no, I quoted the bible, that must make me a fascist! Doh!
Finally, and I say this with no real conviction as your thread/campaign/slander/witch-hunt is laughable at best, but grow up, seriously...grow up.
Someone with common sense