London Indymedia

Portraits of Brit Nazis - approx 12 support Golden Dawn today - can you ID them?

antifascist | 19.01.2013 15:12 | Anti-racism | London

On the global day in support of Greek antifascism and against Greek fascist party Golden Dawn, a small group of British fascists showed their support of Nazism in a tiny police pen alongside.














Read about the British Nazis at

"After hearing that antifascists and Greek folks living in the UK will be holding a solidarity demo outside the Greek Embassy this Saturday (19 Jan) groups such as the EDL and Casuals United have made plans to counter the demo, and will turn up in opposition, to show solidarity with the classically fascist Golden Dawn party of Greece. It seems strange that these creeps have spent the last couple of years whinging that they are not fascists, or Nazi’s, and now they publicly support a European Party that is both..."



Hide the following 60 comments

I only

19.01.2013 15:40

recognise them as the miniscule band of cunts that they are, never the less they need to be stamped out permanently


not serious

19.01.2013 17:36

3 down is Ben Affleck
seriously tho fuck these guys!


scum infection

19.01.2013 20:04

Fed up with fucking liberals talking about freedom of speech. If you had an outbreak of ebola would you allow it to spread. That is what these scum are. Removing a few (as shown by today's events), but a few that are contagious, is necessary. Okay, they are some mothers' sons but the violence that they perpetuate is greater than any concern for their parents feelings. The only good fascist is a dead one.

durutti's sister

16 clear photos of Golden Dawn supporters

19.01.2013 22:19

Hood up
Hood up

Hood down (thanks Nazi)
Hood down (thanks Nazi)

Fugly Orc
Fugly Orc

Mark Kennedy lookalike + Lord of the Runes (Jesus, clean your teeth Nazi)
Mark Kennedy lookalike + Lord of the Runes (Jesus, clean your teeth Nazi)

Stone Island / Casuals United clobber
Stone Island / Casuals United clobber

The demo - give us a portrait fist
The demo - give us a portrait fist

The demo - give us a profile fist
The demo - give us a profile fist

The demo - give us a finger
The demo - give us a finger

The demo - give us a smile
The demo - give us a smile

The demo - tetchy elbows (note CCTV camera on telescopic mast)
The demo - tetchy elbows (note CCTV camera on telescopic mast)

The demo - getting bored (note CCTV camera on telescopic mast)
The demo - getting bored (note CCTV camera on telescopic mast)

The demo - yawn
The demo - yawn

The retreat (note older git with scarf and Foyles bag)
The retreat (note older git with scarf and Foyles bag)

Keep looking at the pavement (hello mum!)
Keep looking at the pavement (hello mum!)

More retreating
More retreating

Talk to the hand
Talk to the hand

16 clear photos of UK Nazis / Golden Dawn supporters, outside the Greek Embassy, London, 19 Jan 2013


Has beens

19.01.2013 23:47

remants of a larger shit stain

just guessing


20.01.2013 03:18

odds and ends


Pitifully Lazy British Fascists

20.01.2013 03:35

British fascists shout their mouths off on Twitter and talk bravado on Facepalmbook, but when they ask to stand up and be counted, most prefer to stay at home wanking over theri lifesized pictures of their beloved Adolf Hitler. The only reason the EDL initially got crowds of up to a thousand was cos they treated it as a piss up day out in a pub. Most lost interest when Stephen Caxley Trousers or whatever his name is, and KKKev Carroll insisted upon making shit boring speeches that they had to hear over and over again, which soon became tiresome.

It didn't take degrees in rocket science to the bulk of the far right hangers on, to stop hanging onto Tommy's coat-tails, and stay all day in their local pub doing nowt on a Saturday afternoon instead.

This is why the EDL were doomed to failure, once the buzz of being masked outlaws had become tired and weary. No-one except the oddball hardcore of neo-Nazi ideologists in denial and their more open cousins, bothers to gangbang with the EDL these days.

You just can't get the marchers as you did in Oswald's day, ee bah gum, even when there's a recession on!

What are they like!!! lol

Northern Observer

And you wander....

20.01.2013 03:38

..... whey they can't get girlfriends, the poor racist sods!

How will the Aryan master race survive?

Agony Ant

A message to militant Anti-Fascists

20.01.2013 14:05

Fed up with fucking liberals talking about freedom of speech? Really? Firstly the people who blather on most loudly about free speech aren't liberals, but the far-right themselves, also right-wing "libertarians", some of who are, by virtue of eg - the Freedom Association's involvement with physical-force strike-breaking at Grunwick and their links to the Apartheid regime, Ayn Rand's belief in exterminating the poor etc, basically Fascists themselves.

Second, if we didn't have free speech for Nazis, then Nazis wouldn't ever attend public demonstrations, and if they did publish magazines, newspapers and videos etc, they'd only ever do so anonymously, therefore it would be much harder for everyone - including militant anti-fascists - to find out who the Nazis are and to "respond" accordingly. The work of anti-fascism would be much harder if the Nazi movement was driven totally underground.

Because (for instance) a member of an ethnic minority can't enjoy THEIR right to free-speech if they're threatened or even killed by Nazis, there is no need for the principle of free-speech to be seen as being in conflict with militant anti-fascism. The far-right only believe in free-speech for themselves, anti-fascism is about defending the right to free speech enjoyed by everyone who opposes Fascism, and the debate about free speech needs to be re-framed accordingly, not discussed in terms that unconsciously parrot an agenda and frames-of-reference that's been set by the far-right themselves

Case in point - some people are drawn to support the BNP etc because they think the "PC elite" penalising people for making racist jokes and racist comments is an attack on their free speech, but the BNP describe their opponents as "traitors" - the logic being that as traitors we are (in their minds) guilty of "treason" which in British law is still a CAPITAL OFFENCE. The far-right calling anti-fascists traitors is a coded way of stating they believe we should be EXECUTED, so the best way to deal with this is to actively highlight that fact, and (accurately) paint the far-right as the real enemies of free-speech, without falling into the trap of opposing free-speech on principle, which is in fact what far-right propagandists WANT us to do!

This is NOT, by the way, an argument against a militant point-of-view from a liberal point-of-view, because, while few members of the public consciously identify with anti-fascism, let alone with militant anti-fascism, if you ask people if they oppose Fascism 99% would say "yes", meaning they're actually anti-fascist without consciously realising it. Likewise of you ask most British people whether we were right to use violence against Fascism in WW2, 99% would say "yes", so the debate about using violence against Fascism is a moot point as well. Liberal and militant approaches to anti-fascism are (or should be) differing TACTICS, militants should concede that liberal tactics work best in some circumstances, and liberals should concede that militant tactics work best in other situations. We need to focus less on bitching among ourselves about whose philosophy is right, and focus more on honest debates about which tactics are most likely to actually damage Fascist movements in specific situations


Oswald Mosley joke

20.01.2013 14:18

Why did Oswald Mosley wear those fucking stupid baggy trousers?

So the glorious leader had somewhere to hide his colostomy bag



20.01.2013 15:18

Why is it not of you comment on the targeted child whit girls at rochdale and oxford strange that.

old labour

Clucking bell!

20.01.2013 16:25

Is this the mighty fearsome Golden Dawn?! The saviors of the far right and protectors of the Aryan Race? Funny cos all I can see is one spectacular embarrassment for nazism/fascism. If the Golden Dawn of Greece were to look at those photos they die with shame. The rest of us will have to make do with doubling up with fits of laughter. The captions below the pics sum it up for me "Whole fascist demo" underneath a pic of about 10 or 12 uncomfortable looking inbreds shuffling about looking at their watches and hoping the police are kind enough to get them to safety at the end of their....well its not quite a demo.... before they get ripped to shreds. Love the idiot who turned up in the Union Jack gimpmask like he was going to some old style EDL demo of thousands only to find he was one of 12 at most. He must have felt a proper wanker.
Still, fair play to these useless twats, they actually made it to the demo, even if they were as much use as a kick in the bollocks. What about the mighty Casuals United, EDl and other assorted has beens/never weres? What about all the threats from the likes of Geoffrey Marshole and co? All a load of hot air and assorted twattery by the looks of things.
Antifascism cannot become complacent, but yesterday was a massive win for us, and yet another kick up the arse for the far right.


losers everywhere

20.01.2013 18:10

> Antifascism cannot become complacent, but yesterday was a massive win for us, and yet another kick up the arse for the far right.

When you say "Win", do you mean that you can bragg about it on the internet and everyone can give each other a mutual backslap and handjob over each other's smart ass rhetoric? Must make you feel like a big man.

Here's one for you....... theres over 60 million people in the UK. The vast majority apart don't go to demos because they got lives doing stuff they enjoy. Who and why the fuck would go standing around in the street supporting anything?! ..... and then go home and write about it on the internet. Is this the new form of trainspotting?

im outta here

@old labour

20.01.2013 18:19

probably because people here are too busy exposing the masses of paedophiles that actually do make up the 'far right'

Got that straight

"I'm outta here"

20.01.2013 19:06

Obviously important enough for you to be spending your time trawling this site, looking for antifascist posts and then trolling them with shit self contradictory comments, like a sad loser. you're just upset because all the boasting you nazis put out on the net turned out to be empty threats.
As usual


countrys finished

20.01.2013 21:51

We were once a proud isleand race now we are shit.

no culture


20.01.2013 22:03

It takes me 2 minutes to write a comment. How long it take you to go and take pictures, crop them down and write it up all on here? No contest mate,, you spent more time than me on shite. I win on that one, Whilst you fannying about i got stuff done like clearing out the garage and moving a load of stuff to the tip. At least i was productive. You just wasted time do something that no one was interested in the first place lol! Then you fall for the bait like a sad loser that you are. No one interested and you're just having a paddy because you have got the attention you wanted apart from a few other losers and about 12 fascist freaks which you seem to think is the victory of a century akin to Pearl Habour. Its not. Its not even worth writing about mate - no one is interested even if you did put all this work in, its a dead end, a non-story about something that no one is interested in. What you want? A Pulitzer?

Maximum Oversight

Mission Complete

20.01.2013 22:22

haha! Anti-fasc got owned!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Replies to troll

21.01.2013 00:40

Face it, Jeff Marsh, if the Anti-Fascist demo was really the waste of time your various posts allege, then

1. The pro-Golden Dawn counter-demo was twenty times MORE pathetic

2. YOU wouldn't be posting semi-literate comments on here, trying to make a sow's ear look like some kind of flippin' silk purse

And if most people have got better things to do than attend demos and post on Indymedia

3. Again that same logic makes the pro- Golden Dawn demo EVEN MORE pathetic

4. That same logic makes ALL far-right (BNP, EDL, NWI etc) mobilisations look even more pathetic

5. You're the one constantly trolling Indymedia, you sad prick


@Maximum Oversight

21.01.2013 01:01

Pearl Habour was a defeat, not a victory, you runt. Unless of course you stating Pearl Harbour was a (quote) "victory" is you unconsciously giving away the fact that your sympathies lie with the regime of Hitler's ally Emperor Hirohito

These Nazis don't get any less stupid do they

Maximum Talkingshite

21.01.2013 09:10

Dear Maximum talkingshite/jeffrey marshole (aka Uncle Ernie),
I'm going to explain why your previous comment is a heap of shit. now, to do this will entail explaining a few IDEAS, now these things we call ideas take a bit of thinking, something you are obviously unfamiliar with, so you're going to have to concentrate really really hard, can you do that?
Good. Lets have a go shall we.
Now then, an easy one to start you off with, It didn't take me any time to take the pictures, crop them and write the article as I am not the opening poster, can you understand this most simple of concepts? Go on, take a deep breath, screw your eyes up really tight, stop thinking about kebabs and concentrate really really hard. Can you grasp this simple concept? OK, now breathe out and relax.

OK, ready to start again? Good. Second part, you claim no-one is interested in the above post, if no one is interested in it, why are you here? Now, this is a bit existential so I'll try to use simple words for this, if no one was interested in this post, no one would be commenting on it, the fact that you have commented on it yourself under at least 2 separate names shows us that you have an interest in the post, albeit from an opposing viewpoint, otherwise you would not be here, can you understand this argument, its a bit of a headscratcher I know, at least for someone as obviously shit as you. See, the thing is, if nobody was interested in this post there would be no follow up posts, this argument would not be happening, I would not be making you look like a tit in front of everyone reading this, do you see? Therefore people are interested in this post, including yourself.
Now then, lets look at another of your ridiculous arguments. You claim the time I have taken to write rebuttals to your insipid gibberish is time wasted. I argue differently, you see I am a dedicated antifascist. It is important to me to stop the far right from spreading bullshit, undermining working class solidarity, victimizing minority groups and all the other damaging activities you engage in. Therefore any time spent in any action that weakens the far right, or in the case of this post, makes individual members of the far right look like total twats, is not time wasted. Can you understand this? I know, it is a bit complex, well, for you anyway.
Are you seriously, by the way, trying to tell me you cleared out a garage and took all your old sex dolls etc to the tip in the time it took someone to post a few piccies in Indymedia?
Now then, I'm sure you know the antifascist movement in Britain is quite a large one, therefore a large number of people will be interested in this post. Now Jeffrey, don't get all mardy arsed about that, you had your fun with you Casuals United but funtime for little Jeffrey is over. Now then, think jeffrey, think back, how many poeople tuned out to take the piss out of you in Brighton?, How many in Tower Hamlets, In Brum? How many in Walthamstow and in Bristol and all the other places you've come unstuck in over the last couple of years? Quite a few if you were sober enough to remember. Now then, mos a large number of these people will be very interested in reading this post and having a right good laugh at the nazis in the photos, more than a few losers eh? Can you grasp this little bit of elementary mathematics Jeffy?

So, now do you understand why you have won a great big fuck all Jeff?
Oh by the way, there was lots of internet talk form various people representing the Casuals united movement that they would be there on Saturday to oppose the antifascists, yet in the end only 12 misfits turned up, where were you on Saturday? Is this why you are stamping your little feet on here, because you didn't actually make it to the protest itself? Hmmmmm. Well you see this is why this is not a "dead end non story" as you claim. Antifascists had a Europe wide protest against the Golden Dawn, we were told the EDL/Casuals etc would be there to oppose us but in the end you were not there, only 12 inbred losers made it and were laughed at by all and sundry in the vicinity, can you see why this is big news for us? As well as an opportunity to make fun of you.

Now, before you harp on about the couple of minutes it took for me to tap out this rebuttal, just think about the above points I have raised (go on, give it a go, you might surprise yourself!), This news event, contrary to your barely creditable gibberish, is quite important to a lot of people, including yourself seeings as you take the time and effort to find the post and troll it (albeit somewhat ineffectually). Just try to remember this when you are struggling to write a reply that actually holds up to logical scrutiny.



21.01.2013 10:42

the one with the black sunglasses with his fist in the air is probably Eddie Stampton
one with the union jack gimp mask is probably Jason Lock, leader of the E.V.F


Eddie stamton

21.01.2013 10:55

Yes, the one in the dark glasses is definitely Eddie Stamton. Currently lives in the Gants Hill area of Essex

The Bear Jew


21.01.2013 21:05

>> Now then, an easy one to start you off with, It didn't take me any time to take the pictures, crop them and write the article as I am not the opening poster, can you understand this most simple of concepts?....."

Yes. It is easy to understand. Like you should understand that I'm not this Jeff Marshole. I looked him up, I see you think I am the hitler of the EDL. You are obsessed with Jeff, you want his babies. It is not my fault that a lake with not fit into a thimble, but this is an easy concept to understand for your tiny brain. Whatever your obsessions: I'm not Jeff.... I am something else. I an neither the fascist or the anti-fascist, I'm am beyond rhetoric and such nonsense.

>> claim no-one is interested in the above post, if no one is interested in it, why are you here? Now, this is a bit existential so I'll try to use simple words for this, if no one was interested in this post, no one would be commenting on it,

When I say no-one, I didn't mean you take it literally. In fact, I thought I made this clear. I meant that 12 fascists, and a few other anti-fascists (x20 more), equates to no-one in the bigger scheme of things. Consider how many voted for the Tories - millions upon millions. You belittle the fascists for having x20 less than you.... yet the Tories have x10000s more than you. So that makes you a little worm yet you think yourself as the Great Eagle of the skies, ignorant in the fact that you are insignificant, a pawn among pawns. Millions are someone, a few hundred is no one.

>> I am a dedicated antifascist
Hobbies are good. Have a cookie.

>> It is important to me to stop the far right from spreading bullshit, undermining working class solidarity, victimizing minority groups and all the other damaging activities you engage in.
By spreading other bullshit? Two bullshits do not make a pristine toilet.

>> Are you seriously, by the way, trying to tell me you cleared out a garage and took all your old sex dolls etc to the tip in the time it took someone to post a few piccies in Indymedia?
I didn't say that! Where did I ascertain that thought into written word?! Fool! An ignorant fool who reads words but lacks the wisdom to understand them. Is it my fault that your eyes are open but your brain is closed?

>> Now then, mos a large number of these people will be very interested in reading this post and having a right good laugh at the nazis in the photos, more than a few losers eh? Can you grasp this little bit of elementary mathematics Jeffy?
Ah comedy. Like the great Charlie Chaplin. You are doing humour yes?

>> we were told the EDL/Casuals etc would be there to oppose us but in the end you were not there, only 12 inbred losers made it and were laughed at by all and sundry in the vicinity, can you see why this is big news for us? As well as an opportunity to make fun of you.

Maybe they lied? Did you think of that?
When you say "Opposed", how are they opposed? There are 12 little men there, yet your armies were unable to move them. It seems to me that the police hold the power. 12 little foolish men and you were unable to "oppose" them. This makes no sense to me. If Hitler sent a tank over, would your "laughing" at them stop that tank? Of course it wouldn't - it would run your little army over and flatten them into the ground. You lack conviction, and power. When the going gets tough, the tough get stuff....

You outnumbered them, you say you are better, you say lots of things, yet these 12 fascist fools stood there without cause to move
Who is being laughed at? Them for holding ground with 12 or you with being ineffective with 12x20? 20:1 and yet you failed but claim victory because you "laughed" at them. A fool laughs at the world, yet is ignorant of his own foolishness.

Remember: ignorance is the first step to wisdom. You have a lot to learn.

Maximum Oversight

Eddie Stamton @ Golden Dawn, yes it's definitely him

22.01.2013 01:48

Eddie Stamton - British Movement, Combat 18, EDL, Golden Dawn
Eddie Stamton - British Movement, Combat 18, EDL, Golden Dawn

Photos of Eddie Stamton (aka Stampton and Standon). Eddie Stamton is a life-long Nazi skinhead, British National Socialist Movement & Combat 18 thug, EDL protestor and active member of the group that posts photos, home addresses and phone numbers of hundreds of left-wing, liberal and anti-fascist campaigners on the Redwatch website, so opponents of Fascism in the UK can be set-up for physical attacks

For any folks who might not know, the British National Socialist Movement is a small hard-line Nazi faction that briefly rose to prominence in the early 1980s through a program of racist violence and attacks on left-wing rocks gigs, the organisation is normally referred to by the shortened form of just British Movement.

Eddie Stamton is widely reported to be a cocaine dealer and knife criminal, but, according to one Indymedia thread Stamton achieved ONE thing in his entire life, allegedly beating fellow Combat 18 member Gary Hitchcock "to within an inch of his life over a failed drugs deal" - every cloud... !!!!!! So much for the standards of "loyalty" shown by the "comrades" of the far-right

More info -

Mr A

English Golden Dawn tell British Nazis to vandalize "Pak Shops"

22.01.2013 01:51

Golden Dawn thank supporters for attending Greek Embassy counter-demo
Golden Dawn thank supporters for attending Greek Embassy counter-demo

Golden Dawn incite supporters to vandalize "Pak shops"
Golden Dawn incite supporters to vandalize "Pak shops"

Golden Dawn share link to this Indymedia thread with supporters
Golden Dawn share link to this Indymedia thread with supporters

Image 1 - Golden Dawn thank supporters for attending Greek Embassy counter-demo

Image 2 - Golden Dawn incite supporters to smash the windows and leave dog-shit outside of "Pak Shops"

Image 3 - Golden Dawn share link to this Indymedia thread with their supporters

All screen-grabs from England's Golden Dawn (sic) Facebook page -

Mr B

' England's Golden Dawn'

22.01.2013 02:17

I couldn't be laughing harder! England's golden muppets more like. A few scumbags dreaming of a mentally ill Greek party haha


Maximum full of shite

22.01.2013 09:07

I thought this post was of no interest and unimportant? Funny how you take the time to respond in great detail spending such time and effort on a post that is of no interest to anyone at all.
You claim to be neither fascist nor anti-fascist, yeah righto! If you are interested in neither opinion then what are you doing here, especially as this post is oh so unimportant to anyone at all whatsoever, can you see how your actions contradict your words? And for someone who claims not to be a fascist or a nazi you seem so desperate to make them appear to be something other than the shower of shite they were.
First, your "oppose" gibberish. THEY were there to oppose US, not the other way round, do you see? Therefore THEY failed in having to hide behind the police, being laughed at and not turning out in the sheer numbers we were promised. OUR demo went ahead unhindered by these arsewits, when we were told they would successfully oppose us, please try to understand this most simple of arguments as it forms the basis of why you have failed in all your previous posts.

"and a few other anti-fascists (x20 more)," Wrong, there were 2/3 hundred or more, not 20, can you not count?

You claim not to have cleared your garage in the time it took to post piccies on here, yet in your previous post you quite clearly say "it takes me 2 minutes to write a comment. How long it take you to go and take pictures, crop them down and write it up all on here? ....., Whilst you fannying about i got stuff done like clearing out the garage and moving a load of stuff to the tip." So again you contradict yourself, my my what an arsehole you really are.

Come on now, be honest, you are a member of the EDL/Casuals youshited or Golden Shower, but your piss poor turnout oin Saturday, after your grandiose internet boasts have made you lot look like the fuckwits you are and you're now trying to attack anti fascism from the supposed viewpoint of some one who is neither a fascist or antifascist and who doesn't care about this post while replying in great detail in support of the nazis. Painfully transparent and a total fuck up, just like you lot on Saturday.



22.01.2013 10:04

Is it true the UAF march from Marble Arch was cancelled due to fear of attack from the fash? There is an article on the Searclight site, claiming that the main body of Nazis were in a nearby pub, waiting for the signal to attack it??

Mr C

Militant anti-fascism??

22.01.2013 10:09

A friend who was on the UAF demo told me there weren't that many Police around the half a dozen fash, and was surprised no one tried to rush them. Whatever happened to the spirit of AFA, DAM and RA???

Mr D

Casuals United

22.01.2013 11:10

A friend has drawn my attention to this thread. Last Saturday, I was on my way home from work at around 11am and I walked past the Pride of Paddington pub in Praed Street. There were a large group of around 60 football supporter types hanging around outside. I noticed that quite a few of them were wearing Casuals United badges. Just wondering if this was anything to o with a would be attack on the UAF march, which would've passed quite nearby?

Paddington boy

Doubt it

22.01.2013 11:25

Most of the recent comments are just face saving fake posts from the keyboard warriors of the EDL/Casuals etc. "No we were there honest gov, more than just 12 of us under heavy police guard"
One post claims that the antifascists should have rushed the nazis as they were only lightly protected by the police - but if you check the pics posted you can see quite a heavy police presence and anyone who has ever been on a fascist/antifascist demo knows the police are there in massive numbers to keep both sides apart. And if there were loads of casuals in a pub, why didn't they make themselves known instead of sitting quietly in a pub, they could have just been on their way to/from a match. Just bollocks from a fading far right to try to keep their image afloat after the massive recent setbacks they have suffered, including Saturday.


@paddington Boy. Yeh I passed a pub near that pub and...

22.01.2013 11:30

.. and saw about 500 black clad individuals with antiFa badges. Maybe they were waiting for the attack on the UAF march by your imaginery casual fash so they could respond and destroy them..

No problem then!

Barry Cade


22.01.2013 11:31

If what you are saying about those being fake posts, I can assure you, as a 52 year old former member of AFA, mine is genuine. And here I have copy & pasted from the Searchlight report. Why would they lie? I take it they run informers within the fash movement:

A pathetic group of London Nazis turned up and were kettled by the police. It was a very small pen as there were fewer than ten of them.
The police commander in charge of the day admitted a tactical error in letting them come far too close to our hundreds. Anti-fascists showed discipline in not being drawn into a fight on the police line dividing them from the Nazis. Massive chanting of our slogans drowned them out before the police removed them, and went one better by spoiling their plan to attack people leaving the rally on the Tube, as a larger group of Nazis was waiting to be called up on mobile phones. The police accompanied them on the Tube, directed them back to their fellow Nazis in the pub and, we understand, sent them all packing.
If any reader recognises any of the fascists in our photos please contact Searchlight. We think they were mostly old National Front members, possibly a couple of Golden Dawn supporters and what is left of London EDL. Some are known to be from south and west London.

Mr C

@Mr C RE: Searchlight

22.01.2013 11:40

" Anti-fascists showed discipline in not being drawn into a fight on the police line dividing them from the Nazis." Hold on a minute, 12 'fash' and 400 reds? Yeah, very disciplined that. LOL MUGS

England's Golden Dawn

March or not?

22.01.2013 11:52

Can someone just answer this - was there a march or not?

Mr E

Marsh Or Not

22.01.2013 13:15

Self-denial is poor Jeffrey Marsh trolling whilst denying he is indeed Jeffrey Marsh. For all he needs to do is look in the fucking mirror to see he is indeed the talentless prick who wrote about "attacking darkies in London with street furniture".

Jeff didn't write most of his books himself, as he cannot spell, and uses teenage girls to "run things" on his behalf (peado). He paid a ghost writer to put together his shitty books to make them sell a couple of copies more.

Football hooliganism was never about sad middle aged fat men writing about how glorious they had been, making money from gullible wannabes, but was about real violent street actions.

Tommy Robinson stole his name from somebody of the same name from Luton's MIG crew, and stole much of his reputation too, which leads me and many others to believe he is / was a state set-up.

Special branch or no special branch handlers, the one thing is for certain, the EDL / Casuals Ununited, etc, both failed because they were no more than merchandising operations designed to make money for Jeff Marsh, Stephen Yaxley Lennon and Kevin Carroll. Just like Nick Griffin got rich quick from british fascists, so too the latterday nazi fuckwits, be them EDL / NWI / or EVF arseholes, are encouraged to be ultra-racist just to help its leaders make a fast buck quick.

Do The Math, neo-Nazi Troll Pricks

Whatever happened to the spirit of AFA, DAM and RA?

22.01.2013 13:46

Study the photos and you'll see a CCTV camera on a telescopic pole directly above the Golden Dawn supporters.

The "spirit" of AFA, DAM and RA is doing great business ruining the far-right in the UK, albeit nowadays through slightly more subtle tactics - that spirit was never about encouraging people to incriminate themselves in front of police cameras

Nice try ;)

Kevin Keegan

There was no march

22.01.2013 13:47



Cameras on poles

22.01.2013 14:17

I thought Antifa types were good at getting masked up and all dressing similarly in black, so as to confuse positive identification? If that is the case, what difference do cameras make? So, there was no march then?

Mr F

Serious, non-sarcastic message to Golden Dawn supporters

22.01.2013 15:14

In all seriousness there are a couple of points to make to supporters of the Golden Dawn. First some of your "comrades" are posting here, pretending to be Anti-Fascists, trying to incite real Anti-Fascists to assault right-wing demonstrators. The reason they're trying to do that is so they can present left-wing demonstrators as "the real thugs" etc. The people who think they're your leaders encourage you to attend right-wing demos, don't turn up themselves, hoping the wicked lefties will attack you, so they can reap the propaganda value of you getting put in hospital. YOUR LEADERS ARE USING YOU AS CANNON-FODDER - maybe think about attending right-wing demos if, when and after the likes of Jeff Marsh find the courage to lead from the front?

Second what Eddie Stamton nearly killing Gary Hitchcock proves (and this message goes out most to right-wing newbies) is that in many cases FAR-RIGHT AGITATORS ARE IN MORE DANGER FROM THEIR OWN COMRADES THAN THEY ARE FROM THE LEFT

Combat 18 activist Will Browning savagely beat-up BNP activist Tony Lecomber and slashed BNP activist Eddy Butler with a knife, BNP activist Neil Parrish was forced out of Blood & Honour after fellow Nazis (possibly Gary Hitchcock) threatened to kill him (in a row over money), C18 activist Chris Castle was stabbed to DEATH by his "comrade" Charlie Sergeant (in a row over money). Thing about people who want to "kill the Reds" is that quite often they like to practice on each other!

Be warned!

Jeff Marsh

22.01.2013 16:23

Just to be clear, Jeff Marsh has nothing to do with the Golden Dawn leadership, because there is none. we are a leaderless resistance


Leaderless Resistance

22.01.2013 16:41

= Clueless Cretins!

Fucking Nazi Scum

Follow Your Leader

22.01.2013 16:43

Shoot Yourself

Like Hitler!

Golden Shower

22.01.2013 16:45

“Just to be clear, Jeff Marsh has nothing to do with the Golden Dawn leadership, because there is none. we are a leaderless resistance!” – Really? On the strength of Saturday’s piss poor turnout you are 12 clueless quarterwits and no hope in hell.
Fair play for not having old Marshpants as your leader though, even the Casuals know he is a clueless idiot, especially after he left his lads to face Anarchists at the last Brighton when he legged it out the back door of the pub they were holed up in.


Can all the arse-brained fash trolls.....

22.01.2013 16:48

.....get a fuckin' life

Troll Hayta!


22.01.2013 18:33

>> I thought this post was of no interest and unimportant? Funny how you take the time to respond in great detail spending such time and effort on a post that is of no interest to anyone at all.

Its not of interest to millions. Its becoming more interesting to me now because of the comments rather than the article. The article itself is boring silly photos.

>> can you see how your actions contradict your words? And for someone who claims not to be a fascist or a nazi you seem so desperate to make them appear to be something other than the shower of shite they were.

Im not desperate to portray them in any way. They are clearly fools.
Im not desperate to portray anyone. Fool!! i speak directly to you. Is it my fault that you fear what your peers read? I do not portray you. You are clearly a fool guided by ignorance and fear of his peers. Stupidly is always man's purpose

>> First, your "oppose" gibberish. THEY were there to oppose US, not the other way round, do you see? Therefore THEY failed in having to hide behind the police, being laughed at and not turning out in the sheer numbers we were promised.

So you don't oppose them? That must mean you support them ;)
How does laughing stop anyone? If a tank from Hitler's army rolled down the street, you say you would all laugh at it because it is one tank and there are 200-300 of you.
Yet this tank would squash your army like twigs under a Yak's foot.

Fool. Laughing is not a weapon! It may make you feel good about yourself, but thats just masturbation of the mind.

>> "and a few other anti-fascists (x20 more)," Wrong, there were 2/3 hundred or more, not 20, can you not count?
I can count. And I can multiply. You clearly can't.... fool
I till try again just using addition:
Multiply by 20 means adding the 12 up 20 times = 240
Another display of your ignorance, and your assumption that you know everything about all. Learn maths, learn "multiplication" and you will be one step wiser

>> You claim not to have cleared your garage in the time it took to post piccies on here, yet in your previous post you quite clearly say "it takes me 2 minutes to write a comment. How long it take you to go and take pictures, crop them down and write it up all on here? ....., Whilst you fannying about i got stuff done like clearing out the garage and moving a load of stuff to the tip."

Can I help that you have no learn't the English language as well as not learnt how to multiply. Can I help such that a lake will not fit into your thimble sized brain?

Maybe if you stopped standing on street corners, mutally masturbating your tribal instincts of Pack comradeship, you could learn the things that a child takes for granted.

Maximum Oversight

@Maximum Oversight

22.01.2013 20:18

Face it, wanker, you gave yourself away with your comment about Pearl Harbour being a "victory"

All the rest of your squirming won't get you out of that hole

Pearl Harbour was a victory - a victory for the same Japanese Fascists who tortured and brutalised British soldiers prisoners during WW2

You and rest of your fake patriots do the world a favour, and do it soon


Pearl Harbour was a victory (check history)

22.01.2013 20:52

It was a victory - for the Japanese, not a victory for the Americans. Later, the two Nuclear bombs were a victory for the American's. just to be clear: this wasn't a victory for the Japanese this time. Would you blame me as an Amerikaan lover if I'd used the latter? Yes, whatever example a wise man gave a ignorant fool, the fool would always laugh.

Your little brain can't seem to work out that the explanation was no more than that a battle has a victor and a loser. You seem to have read the words with your eyes, then came up with a load of gibberish based upon your prejudice beyond what the words meant. The words were simple: yours isn't a victory. Pearl harbour was a victory. The lesson is simpler, you are a fool if you think you are a victor. The 12 have retreated, safe in the knowledge that you are impertinent fools with flaccid convictions. There is no victor. There is no victory. You are a fool for claiming the spoils which you have not won.

What if you laugh at a deaf person and they don't see you?
What if you laugh at someone in a busy street they can't hear you?
What if they don't have the Internet and can't see that you laugh at them?
A true weapon is on the mind and the heart not the tongue.

In the olden days, 12x20 (thats 240 for people who can't multiple) would easily overpower 12. Or detain them. Or strip them and tar them and feather them. Or run them out of town. Or tie them up on a low tide. Or cage them. Or starve them. Or dress them in silly clothes. Yet you didn't even come in arms reach.

You just laughed at them from a distance. And they are at home having a cup of tea, Because you are weak. Too weak even in scaled numbers. Weak and ineffectual where you can only laugh and jest like it all doesn't mean anything and then backslap each other on the internet like that is so much more important.

Yes, writing about what you could do rather than just doing it is what it is all about.
"Oh how we laughed", "how we sat on our hands", "how we talk big about how hard we are but we is too scared of the police", "how we laughed because we are shameful of our own fear", "how we talk big, laugh big, we laugh and laugh. we laugh because we can't do anything, we laugh like little girls on a school picnic outing and we think it is a victory of how hard we are, how we beat them, how we conquered and overcome, how we showed the enemy because we can laugh at them on the internet and that made them cry and go into a strop, then we can backslap each over safe in the knowledge that the world is safe because we can live behind a shield of laughing that will conquer the nasty evil, bad men that we dont like"

Fools laugh at their own pitifulness.
Stupidity is man's only function.
Wisdom is only seeing that which is ignorant.

Maximum Oversight

Maximum overshite

23.01.2013 09:04

Let's face it you are a fascist, otherwise you would not have commented on this post, attacking antifascism in the first place let alone wasted so much time and effort putting together weak and ineffectual counterarguments and denials.
The fact is international anti fascism organised a solidarity protest against the rise of the Golden Dawn in Greece. It was a success with a large turnout despite the weather, in London and across Europe. The remnants of the far right in Britain threatened to counter protest and attack the demo in an attempt to stop it. What happened was 12 losers turned up to hide underneath a cctv camera behind a thick cordon of police before being mocked and having to be escorted away tails between their legs under a hail of snowballs.
Yet another embarrassment for the far right.
This is why you deny being in the Casuals/Golden Dawn or whatever strain of far right shite you keyboard warrior for.
If you were not involved in fascism you would not have read this post, let alone negatively posted on it and replied to my posts at least twice to try to downplay the antifascist demo.
The fact that you deny your allegiance means 2 things,
1) you lack a spine
2) You know the far right "counter demo" - such as it was, was such a fail that you are embarrassed to be associated with it. Face facts, the far right are failing massively and we are on the rise.


These people

23.01.2013 16:57

are fucking hilarious! Especially those in dark glasses trying to look moody. Remember lads, Jesus loves you if no one else does hahaha.

Mjr smirk

Shane Calvert's address given by

23.01.2013 21:16

Shane Calvert + Golden Dawn
Shane Calvert + Golden Dawn

Shane Calvert + Golden Dawn
Shane Calvert + Golden Dawn

Shane Calvert the Kiddy-Diddler?!
Shane Calvert the Kiddy-Diddler?!

The 1st Facebook page screen-captured here says "England's Golden Dawn made Diddler NWI a host". And who is this "Diddler" who the Golden Dawn have chosen to host their Facebook page?

If you click on the "Diddler" name as it appears on Facebook, that links to the 2nd Facebook page screen-capped here, which confirms "Diddler" is "Diddyman NWI" - the same Shane Calvert that The Guardian confirms is "Diddyman", whose address police reports confirm as Shetland Close, Blackburn ( will give you the house number), who's up before the beak after getting nicked by Anti-Terror police for an unprovoked attack on Anti-Fascists.

Shane Calvert (born 29/09/1981) of Shetland Close, Blackburn
Peter Hawley (born 10/03/1960), of Ailsa Road, Blackburn
Liam Pinkham (born 06/04/1988), of Victoria Road, Wallasey, Merseyside
Nathan Smith (born 29/11/1991), of Kingsway, Huyton, Liverpool
Michael Kearns (born 26/03/1972), of Dovecot Avenue, Liverpool
A 17-year-old boy from Liverpool, who cannot be named for legal reasons

Just for the record, I am definitely not advocating any kind of action against these people, but they might like to ponder their options before considering exactly how to proceed with their political careers

Interestingly, in the UK the term "diddler" is slang for a "kiddy fiddler" or PAEDOPHILE. Shane Calvert CHOSE to use the name Diddler and the NWI and Golden Dawn CHOSE to accept him on that basis, hmm

Crime and justice

Photo of Shane Calvert

23.01.2013 21:21

Liam Pinkham & Shane Calvert
Liam Pinkham & Shane Calvert

Photo of Shane Calvert, kneeling, 2nd from left, green jacket

Liam Pinkham, 1st on left, red shirt, is also said (even by fellow Fascists) to be fond of underage girls

Crime and

Guess who shopped Diddy and Pino to the '5-0?

24.01.2013 02:12

Hel Gower!


Whispering Grass

24.01.2013 02:25

I don't normally congratulate EDLers, especially their leadership, but I must give a warm "thank you" to fugly EDL deputy fascist Hel Gower for getting her own back on the Northern splitters who threatened to dish the dirt upon Tommeh's dealing of illegal substances at said tanning salon (takings laundered as fake customers).

Thanks to you, the NWI pricks will soon be in jail alongside their beloved, belated EDL chums.

I can only but laugh.

Sorry Hel(l) Gower! I truly appreciate your role as a Special Branch grass / stooge /asset, made Tommeh's PA by the powers that be, but wouldn't go as far as giving you the tinyest of pecks on the cheek, even if I required the kiss of life cos I was drowning.

Fugly Stick EDL


24.01.2013 08:44

I am wondering what a fascist is these days as there seems to be a great many men and women bent on destroying others in ways that they can disguise as Freedom of Expression sexual liberation and anything else that they can get through the net or one of their campaign mission statements convenient loopholes.


So who and what is a fascist these days or should I just ask, WHAT IS A FASCIST ANYWAYS?

Andy Buchan
mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

IHFT whatever loser

24.01.2013 20:15

>> The fact that you deny your allegiance means 2 things,
>> 1) you lack a spine
>> 2) You know the far right "counter demo" - such as it was, was such a fail that you are embarrassed to be associated with it. Face facts, the far right are failing massively and we are on the rise.

Or..... I'm not a fascist ;)
Better that, than stomping around, marching everywhere and telling people what they can and can't do, and then laughing at everyone you disagree with and going on about much better you are than everyone else.

If you think the 60+ million people either fall in a fascist or an anti-fascist category then you are an idiot. The vast majority of people of neither and just think you are both losers. Open your eyes fool! There is live beyond fascism - are you obsessed?

Maximum Oversight

Maximum FullofShite

25.01.2013 09:04

Am I obsessed? No but if I was opposing political doctrines that resulted in he murders of millions between 1933 and 1945 is not a bad thing to be obsessed with.
Have never said the majority of people fall into either category, however a large number of people are antifascist or anti nazi by default simply out of disgust at the actions of people like Hitler and Mussolini, as well as their modern day counterparts

You claim not to be a fascist than describe those opposed to fascism as "stomping around, marching everywhere and telling people what they can and can't do," strange, as that it what fascists have a history of doing, odd that you do not point this out, the more you try to claim you are not a fascist supporter, the more you inadvertently reveal where your true sympathies lie.
You merely continue to deny your allegiances through your shame at the dire state of modern fascism in Britain as evidenced by the piss poor turn out of the Golden Yawn.

Now go away and be pathetic somewhere else as I tire of your imbecilic dribbling.



27.01.2013 06:46

Ever since I asked if Anonymous put child porn on to a survivors webpage I have had problems with these links getting to the right page when I test them. As this site can be accessed by these links i think it is appropriate to as the following.


Andy Buchan
mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

Here are some more Nazis Disguised as something else

05.02.2013 19:13

Maybe they are not disguised and this is how they look these days, either way they hide themselves well especially from their victims of child rape.

Andy Buchan
mail e-mail:
- Homepage:


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