Disney owns Feld Entertainment which through Disney's hundreds of billions of dollars has
squeezed a 9.3 million dollar settlement from the ASPCA
The Pavement World Of Ringling Brothers Elephants
In 2011 Ringling Brothers, owned by Feld Entertainment, was fined by a US agency for violating the Animal Welfare Act and was given the biggest circus fine in history. Ringling Brothers has for over a century kidnapped, caged whipped, and beaten elephants. Animals it imprisons are subjected to raucous music, loud noises, terrifying crowds, bad food, thirst, freezing, baking. Elephants are communal animals forced in many cases to live lives of loneliness. Federal judge Emmet Sullivan was the first to begin the attack on the elephant protectors. Is this the same federal court in Washington DC which has rubber stamped torture and cooperated with the unconstitutional AETA law passed after initiated by Oklahoma and Georgia cattle and chicken butchers (Inhofe, Coburn, Izakson, Chambliss). Feld Entertainment owned by Disney has hundreds of billions of dollars it can access to continue its animal abuse and has exhausted the resources of animal groups. It has under the Nazi Rico Act squeezed from ASPCA 9.3 million and is going after the Humane Society of the US.
See Alec Baldwin's video of how Ringling Brothers cruelty affects animals including elephants. See if you think any animal rights group has libeled this greedy corporation.

ida.convio.net picture source
Please boycott Ringling Brothers, Disney, ABC TV, Radio, and all other animal abuse commercial enterprises. How ironic that Disney's Mickey Mouse was sketched lovingly by Walt Disney in his garage where mice scampered over his desk. Walt, make of Bambi and other films teaching children to love animals has had his corporation taken over by brutes.
The first federal judge to attempt to shield Ringling Brothers was Emmet Sullivan.
The following are unelected federal judges in the DC Court.
Chief Judge
Royce C. Lamberth '
District Judges
Emmet G. Sullivan
Colleen Kollar-Kotelly
Richard W. Roberts
Ellen S. Huvelle
Reggie B. Walton
John D. Bates
Richard J. Leon
Rosemary M. Collyer
Beryl A. Howell
Robert L. Wilkins
James E. Boasberg
Amy Berman Jackson
Rudolph Contreras
Senior Judges
Thomas F. Hogan
Gladys Kessler
Paul L. Friedman
Barbara J. Rothstein
Joyce Green (inactive)
Louis F. Oberdorfer (inactive)
Magistrate Judges
Deborah A. Robinson
Alan Kay
John M. Facciola
See also: