We stood next to the demo in our best ‘Tommy Is A Nonce’ t-shirts but could tease nary a rise from the EDL mob who weighed more than they numbered. We saw that toothless gimmer from the miniscule Brighton lot as he and a mate were coppering up outside the off-licence. The cheeky wee radge asked us for 50p only to be told to ‘go and sell some pegs round the neighbourhood, you little scrote’ and he ran away. One EDL steward remarked to us ‘This is rubbish! Tommy is the new Jesus. Why aren’t there more people here.’ Hapless Dave ‘Bullet Head’ Bolton, who was battered by his own ‘mates’ at Walthamstow, was stewarding away and wandering about like a total bugle clearly annoyed that so few people showed up and no doubt relieved plod would prevent him from getting another kicking.
After a while we decided to head off to drier environs as this was clearly a waste of everyone’s time. We ended up in the Falcon only to find ourselves sitting adjacent to a severely dejected EDL group who began to cheer themselves up with large amounts of Stella (and cocaine too judging by the wraps my more experienced comrade found in the toilets!). Chumly fascist Trudie ‘Muffin Top’ Toker kindly opened the door for us thus allowing us to clandestinely photograph her generous proportions, however good taste required us to burn the negatives. (Trudy, ‘clandestine’ means secret, love!).
Not only that but EDL balloon Kevin Smith has left the organisation as his long suffering missus is now a Muslamic convert thus bringing the wrath of the fading fascists down upon both their houses! Anyway, this was supposed to be the last EDL ‘national’ action of a truly appalling year and it was extremely piss-poor. Mr Tommy will hardly be ultra-chuffed at such a weak display of solidarity as he will be spending Christmas in jail – despite the FACT that THEY have banned it! Be Seeing You!
PS: apologies for not hooking up with folk yesterday. This was due to abysmal phone reception!
Hide the following 9 comments
Great, but....
25.11.2012 13:42
I saw a bunch of Internet posters about 'chasing EDL mugs', but have heard little if any chasing. If any went on, then great, and I obviously understand that if you've just given someone a kicking, you won't brag about it straight after on the Internet.
But, it seems that alot of the hype surrounding militant anti-fascism (especially the physical confrontation stuff - were often quite good at the mass direct action stuff) never lives up to expectations.
Once again, not havin a pop, but interested in others views
Town End Boy
Hardly worth bothering
25.11.2012 15:12
We should remain vigilant against the EDL of course but I expect comrades had more useful things to do than chase EDLers away from outside a prison listening to speeches about how Tommy Robinson is a political prisoner who has been jailed for his views rather than remanded in custody on criminal charges because the court considered he would abscond or commit further offences on bail.
I don't think
25.11.2012 16:23
silence is
Yeah, but....
25.11.2012 17:24
It's very possible to give a general report of even a militant action without giving specifics of dropping anyone in it.
Town End Boy
good comments!
26.11.2012 10:02
Towny! The ‘Malatesta’ pieces do give general reports and are very careful in removing anything remotely incriminating or detailed. ALARM put out the call and then didn’t properly organise or give info out. I did ask for an RV point but they said, understandably, that they didn’t want to do this for obvious reasons. Fair enough but if folk put a call out, they need to give us an idea of where to plot up so we can turn up in numbers! As it was we couldn’t meet up with any other anti-fash on the day which was a pity but as it turned out pretty unnecessary but i would really have liked to hook with ALARM and others pushing the Anti-Fascist Network!
26.11.2012 13:26
You've answered my question about the action - shame we coudn't have pulled it out of the bag. Ah well, onwards and upwards
26.11.2012 14:14
all the best
26.11.2012 14:22
Bigger more important targets
26.11.2012 19:43