UP THE ANTI Reclaim the Future Conference
Saturday 1 December, Queen Mary University, Mile End tube

10.30-11.00 Welcome to ‘Up the Anti’ Ed Lewis (New Left Project)
What are we fighting for?
Federico Campagna (editor, What We Are Fighting For)
Mark Fisher (author, Capitalist Realism)
Preeti Paul (IOPS)
War and revolution in Syria
Jamie Allinson (Middle East researcher)
Seamus Milne (The Guardian)
Dr Zahera Harb (City University)
How can we turn trade unions into a force for change?
Open discussion with contributions from
Jerry Hicks (Unite Grassroots Left)
Kate Ford Hackney NUT)
Chris Ford (IWGB)
Ewa Jasiewicz
What should 21st century journalism look like?
Open discussion with contributions from
Hicham Yezza (Ceasefire)
Flaminia Giambalvo (OT)
Dan Hind (author, The Return of the Public)
Beyond Capitalism? The Future of the Radical Left
Book launch organised by Zero Books
Luke Cooper & Simon Hardy (co-authors)
Aaron Peters (Resonance FM)
Radical interpretations of the current crisis: a dialogue across traditions
Organised by Platypus Review
David Graeber (author, Debt: the First 5000 Years)
Saul Newman (author, From Bakunin to Lacan)
Hillel Ticktin (co-founder, Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory)
James Woudhuysen (De Montfort University)
New struggles, new possibilities: Lessons from the dramatic return of street protest
Open discussion with contributions from
Guy Aitchison (OpenDemocracy)
Aaron Peters (Resonance FM)
James Butler (blogger)
Ragnhild Freng Dale (OT)
Hannah Black (artist)
Are ‘debt strikes’ the future of anticapitalist resistance?
David Graeber (author, Debt: the First 5000 Years)
Nick Mirzoeff (Occupy Wall St/Strike Debt)
Islamophobia: the racist politics of extradition
Hamja Ahsan (brother of Talha Ahsan)
Victoria Brittain (The Guardian)
The city and its houses
SQUASH (Squatters Action for Secure Homes)
Anna Minton (author, Ground Control)
Radical lessons from the Global South
Oscar Guardiola-Rivera (Birkbeck)
Dr Dina Matar (SOAS)
The Left in Greece: contours of the national crisis
Eugene Michail (University of Sussex)
Greece Solidarity Campaign
General Assembly
Getting involved in 2013 – what are the key campaigns?
Plenary Moving forward Drawing conclusions from a day of discussion and debate
Dan Hind
Emma Dowling (Plan C London)
Simon Hardy
Kate Ford
Nick Wrack (Independent Socialist Network)
“Stand up… Against the Government” Comedy night and live music
Sean Taylor
Kate Smuthwaite
Chris Coltrane