London Indymedia

Taking The PCC!

Malatesta | 16.11.2012 15:46 | Anti-racism | London | World

Kev Karol came 4th out of 5 candidates in the PCC elections which he is claiming is a historic victory - much like was Stalingrad for Hitler and Waterloo for the French!

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! When reading the result of the Bedfordshire candidates for the Police and Crime Commissioner elections we saw Kev Karol’s name 1st and had a wee panic attack until we realised the list was in alphabetical order and he had actually come in at a massive 4th out 5 candidates! Braw! Kev is reported to be ‘ecstatic’ and ‘over the moon’ with receiving 8,675 votes, but in reality it is a very poor 10% indeed. The numbers are thus: in Kev Karol’s Konstituency of Bedfordshire 84,169 out of a possible 462,862 voted, and Karol got 8675. Now this is more than many people expected him to get but it’s hardly a reason to get the Lambrini out is it?

Needless to say the EDL/British Freedom Fluffies who Kousin Kev Karol was standing for are feverishly putting a spin on the whole thing saying that at least he didn’t come last. Well as the candidate who came in last actually died 2 weeks ago it’s not much to crow about is it? Despite the fact he is claiming an ‘historic result’ Kev is also complaining that muslamic-communist-UAF-lefty-smelly-Luton council deliberately sabotaged his campaign but we merely need to point out that his campaign didn’t need sabotaging as he had made such a piss-poor effort as it was! The campaign consisted of going out twice for an hour or 2 at the weekend terrifying grannies by pushing badly printed leaflets into their bemittened and hypothermic fingers. He had called on EDL supporters for help in assisting the campaign but they are only interested in a bathful of beer and a fight so they declined to help. Shame! Which is Luton council’s fault of course.

Kev was bound to blame others for the poor showing at the hustings as it is never the EDL’s fault when anything goes horribly wrong – like when Kev got nicked over the van thing, or when he accidentally seconded a BNP member in an election, or when he was accidentally nicked for shouting abuse at Muslims a couple of years back or accidentally wrote on Facebook that ‘Mohammed is a pedo’ and all Muslims are ‘backward.’ There was the case of the disappearing election posters as well. What happened is that Kev’s Kampaign Kohorts had ponied up the folding for some rather frightening looking billboards which were either defaced with a rather fetching Hitler moustache and matching swastika or completely removed. By whom we do not know and to be honest, we don’t care.

KKKev managed to KKKeep the £5kkk deposit but what will happen to it now? Will it be returned to those gullible enough to think he had a Cornetto in Hades chance of winning? Or will it be put in the biscuit tin under the very posh (and trustworthy) Lord Paul Weston’s bed along with the money from the hoodies, the Richard Price Defence fund and the money raised for Snowy when he was nicked bugling about on that roof which have never been accounted for. As indeed hasn’t any of the money the EDL have made!

Poor Kev has also got a less than respectable relationship with plod! He was nicked on the day that the EDL all got nicked in a van up to no good, he has been banned from going to his own rallies, he has been filmed arguing furiously with a femi-plod at the Walthamstow humiliation (and also shouting at Tommy) and he has been critical of the policing at Walsall when the ‘non-racist and non-violent’ EDL were throwing things at plod and getting their heads subsequently bandaged. Which is obviously the basis for a sound relationship. On opposite day! Of course, there are a considerable amount of anti-fascists who wanted him to succeed although mainly to see whit a hames he would make of it and also to see his ‘oh shit! I won!’ face and watch him struggling with the reality of the job until he was ultimately sacked. So we are more than happy to disappoint them - in the nicest possible way!

We are also happy to report that the BNP fared dismally in the local by-elections. Hope not Hate are folks reporting the ‘BNP humiliated in Manchester. Just 2.9% in parliamentary by-election and 1.8% in council by-election. How embarrassing.’ So, all in all a good if slightly apprehensive day! Be Seeing You!

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16.11.2012 16:06

KKKev beat the dead guy! Way to go ;)


The end.

16.11.2012 16:14

Overall the turnout for the PCC in all areas was atroctious.

Very few people actually bothered to take part at all. Carrols vote is a small percentage of those who hold pretty rum and authoritarian minority views in society. When the turnout is extremely low, its extremist parties which tend to do well. This is why its so important to vote in a democracy and why its even more important that if you have views that are not represented, you form a political party to represent yourself and others who share your views.

When our democracy works correctly with full involvement of all, parties like the BFF and candidates like Carrol sink into the mud never to be seen again. This is right and proper for people who hold these sorts of extremist ideas. Extremism and the badly educated can never function in a democracy because democracy does not naturally tolerate them.

I had a look at Carrols campaigning points and the BFF's too. You could not hope to see a more infantile, dumb, stupid and wholly ridiculous and pathetic attempt at local governance. I think Carrols actual agenda was to take a salary for a year without actually doing anything. He would not have had a snowballs chance in hell of actually doing the job.

But one thing is worth remembering. This vote has set the bar. Carrols vote will never increase from what it is now. It can only go down because Carrol's movement is in decline. It won't naturally recover from its current predicament. In years to come, even slight increases in the numbers of people who turn out to vote will be enought to wipe Carrol and his party out.

So I think we can take this as being the point where the EDL and BFF bow out for good.



16.11.2012 23:35

seig heil Kev gets to keep the £5,000 nomination fee given by his supporters (big snowballs eh kev haha! Top Times!)


There are 17 exclamation marks in this article

18.11.2012 13:46

Malatesta - is this how you spend your free time?

If the EDL and BNP arn't a threat, then why do you spend all your free time writing anti EDL/BNP propoganda. Why not spend your time on a cause that needs support, given that the EDL is a "damp squib" ?

I put it to you, that you actually believe they arn't a "damp squib", despite what you say, because you wouldn't spend all your time writing about them otherwise!



Nazi Trolls.....

18.11.2012 18:16

..... fuck off.....

Back To Stormfront


19.11.2012 10:47

Malatesta - is this how you spend your free time? If the EDL and BNP arn't a threat, then why do you spend all your free time writing anti EDL/BNP propoganda. Why not spend your time on a cause that needs support, given that the EDL is a "damp squib" ? I put it to you, that you actually believe they arn't a "damp squib", despite what you say, because you wouldn't spend all your time writing about them otherwise!

hi jeffrey! this is what political activists do you twat! 'if you cannot destroy them when they are weak, how can you destroy them when they are strong?' 'i put it to you...' yr getting a bit over yerself wee man !



19.11.2012 10:59

and well done for counting up to 17! it must have taken a while but at least your fingers and toes could cope! bugle!



19.11.2012 11:27

I've had cause to disagree with Malatesta on a couple of occasions - not least about his (?) extremely poor choice of an operating handle, but this time you hit the nail on the head... good answer!



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