Also since the last big student march in November last year snatch squads are back to normal...
Try to invite your mates!
But if your in a large "affinty group" or a crew, then consider one of your lot coming on a bike, to scout out the side streets, it well worked before last year.
Give journalists a hard time...
Seriously, threaten to rob them.
First if your coming to London and your a "known face" avoid the Cuts cafe tonight...
The cops made the mistake of not raiding the last TUC march social centre squat last year, they won't let this opportunity pass.
If you've been arrested before, consider the possibility of cops knocking on your door at 5am on saturday morning, so think about staying at a friends house tonight.
Go get a new cheap £10 mobile, use it for the day, all the communication should be a on cheap mobiles.
If your planning any real "heavy shit" don't expect to roll up to the march in black, instead choose 1 person who can wait it out in a cafe/pub with a pre-pay mobile waiting for updates, that one person can hold on to anything "hot" like paint bombs, fireworks or tools for a lock ons etc, while the rest of the group moves about.
Bring a load of random clothes in your bag, like jackets or hats or t-shirts, not black its too obvious, any old colour, but make sure you dump it afterwards where no one will find them...
If it turns into a bit of skirmish you can always retreat have a few paints with the locals and change clothes then get back into it after dark...
If your in London, tonight, follow the path of the route, andcheck all the side streets on a bike, take note of all the road works in the area!
look for ammo!
Anything that ain't bolted down!
"look for the beach under the paving stones!"
and remember to keep active, the riot cops should always be far away from you, if they form a line, don't stand there goading them you will get kettled and/or beaten up, instead turn around keep moving, keep a distance from them.
Remember the West End is full of targets, Starbucks, MacDonalds, HSBC, Barclays, Army recruitment offices, Topshop, the cops can't protect all of them...
Once it gets dark sprad out...
And remember if the cops use plastic bullets you will be witnessing a moment of UK history!

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