Green and Black Cross aim to support those arrested or assaulted during the protests of November 24th.
If you were arrested then please contact us ASAP. Why? We are monitoring the legal situation and trying to make sure that everyone gets the help they need.
If you witnessed an arrest, please contact us. Why? We will try to put you in touch with the solicitors of those arrested so that they can mount a defence.
If you witnessed specific police officers using unreasonable force or abusing their powers, please get in touch (especially if you have video or photographic evidence. Why? We hope to be able to help those wishing to pursue legal complaints.
If you tried to leave a kettle because you wanted/needed to go home/use the toilet/take medication etc. but were refused, please get in touch. Why? We aim to collect statements/video to help challenge the use of this police tactic.
phone call 07946 541511
twitter @GBCLegal
Always remember, 'no comment!' until you have spoken to a decent solicitor!