Join the Veg*n Climate March - Sat 6 Dec 2008

Display a web banner or button on your site, see below
Download and distribute/display our leaflets/posters, see below
--> Demand that world leaders stop propping up the animal farming industries that cause climate change.
--> Raise awareness amongst environmentalists and the general public that their choice of diet is critical to the survival of the planet!!
Over 10,000 environmentalists are expected to join the National Climate March on Sat 6th December 2008 to "demand that our government takes urgent and radical action to deal with the climate crisis". The National Demo in London will be one of many demonstrations on climate taking place all around the world on the same day, midway through the UN Climate Talks in Poznan.
The environmental marchers will make several specific demands of the government. NO to the 3rd runway at Heathrow, NO new coal-fired power stations, NO to agro-fuels and finally, YES to massive investment in renewable energy.
This is all great, we agree with all this, but what about livestock farming! It simply does not feature on the organisers agenda! But with your help, The Campaign for Eco-Veg*nism will make sure this crucial issue is not forgotten!!
Veggies & vegans should be there in our 1,000`s, to demand that world leaders recognise that a massive proportion of climate change is caused by livestock farming and the production of meat/dairy products. World leaders must stop supporting the animal farming/food production industries responsible for this devastation and begin to scale them down before it`s too late, or ultimately, we`ll all pay the price!!
Some of the environmental marchers will already be veggie/vegan, but the majority will not. The chances are, many of these people will be unaware of the full extent to which animal agriculture is responsible for climate change. This event represents a fantastic opportunity to inform many thousands of environmentally conscious people of the devastating impact that meat/dairy production has on the planet. The world`s media will be there, so there is a very real chance that our message will be heard by millions more people. Please join the march with banners/placards/leaflets etc, and urge the marchers and general public alike, to change their diet for the sake of the planet, people and wildlife!!
Assemble 12 noon at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park (Marble Arch Tube)
You may choose to march with likeminded people in the veggie/vegan `block` where there will no doubt be relevant chanting such as "Save the Planet - Go Vegan" etc etc.
Alternatively, you could split from the main veg*n crowd and spread out amongst the entire march. This may be a better way to get your banner/placard seen by more people and is also better if you intend to hand out leaflets.
Finally, you might choose to simply stand in one position whilst the march goes by, so that you can get your message across to as many marchers as possible via your banner or leaflets.
Please don`t rely on other people to take leaflets, banners etc for you!
--> Leaflets - All of the national groups that campaign on veggie/vegan issues produce excellent leaflets that explain the environmental reasons for adopting plant based diets. Please contact Viva, The Vegetarian Society, The Vegan Society, Animal Aid, Peta etc, most of whom will probably supply leaflets free of charge.
--> Banners/placards - Please use your imagination! Take a look at veggie/vegan websites for relevant quotes and ideas. The bigger, bolder and more colourful your banners, the clearer your message will be.
--> Costumes/props - Take a look at the photos from last years event on the Campaign against Climate Change website

--> Your friends! - Please encourage all your veggie/vegan friends to join you. The amount of impact we have will be determined by how many of us there are, so please do all you can to promote the event(see leaflets & posters below). The best thing about this march is that it`s not only a very effective way to raise awareness, it will also be great fun!!! :)
There will be transport available from towns and cities across the UK, coordinated by local green groups etc. The Campaign Against Climate Change have a comprehensive list of transport contacts on their website

We have produced a leaflet and poster to help promote the event. Please download, copy and distribute them across the UK. Hand out leaflets to friends, colleagues, your local veggie/vegan/animal rights group etc. Display the posters on noticeboards at your place of work, church, community group, healthfood shop, library etc.
To download the A5 leaflet(2 on a page) click

To download the A4 poster click

If you`re not able to print them yourself, we may be able to post some to you, please get in touch, email ecoveggie [at]
We have a wide choice of 10 banners and buttons, ranging in size from the one at the top of this page to a small button.
Choose the size that best suits the space available on your website. To see the complete range, click here

Add us to your friends and encourage all your friends to join us! It doesn`t matter whether they`re veggie/vegan or not, just inviting them will help to spread awareness of the issue.

Facebook group page

event page

Diet of Disaster, by Viva!

Hoofprints, by Friends of the Earth

Livestock`s Long Shadow, a comprehensive report by The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

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