It is now almost five years since Indymedia London came to life as part of the United Kollectives network of IMC's throughout the UK. Now, in 2008, things have moved on; the reality in the streets is very different from that of 2003, and so there has also been a change in the way people experience the internet. The kollective in London has been working hard for the last few months to adapt Indymedia London to these new realities, and now we are very happy to announce that the New Indymedia London website is ready for action!
The new Site, that was launched with a presentation at the Anarchist Bookfair 2008, aims to include more political events and media alongside the direct action reporting from the streets, and a better method of video uploading. Note: If you went to check out the new site and you were put off by a security warning in your browser, please try again. More information about Security Certificates here. Click at the 'Full article' link to know more ....
Welcome to IMC London New Website
Ok, so you've just been to a demonstration or an action then? Good on you. We hope you had a great time! And now you feel like telling everyone about it, even better! You've come to the right place. Or maybe you've just been to a great benefit party, or gig, or workshop, or talk, or film screening, or exhibition, or ... whatever else you think you should let everyone know about it. This is the place too!
You can write your first hand report, and you can add to it any photos you may have taken, or audio files. But remember, a report can take many shapes and forms. It can be written, yes, but it can also be drawn, or spoken, or made of photographs, or turned into a music track, or all of these at the same time. In the spirit of Open Publishing, you can easily do any of this using the new publish forms, as long as you are happy to release your material in a non-copyright manner, and as long as you are not trying to report on any corporate and commercial activity, nor engage in some personal or party political promotion.
The medium you use to tell your story it is up to you, but remember, even though Indymedia London is an open and collaborative project, committed to using media production and distribution as a tool promoting social, environmental and economic justice, we have a Mission Statement where we sum up the principles we aim to live up to, and clear Editorial Guidelines which form the basis of our editorial practices.
So, if this is the first time you decide to publish in Indymedia London, welcome! - it's about time you did though! But please make sure you take a look at these before publishing, and please also note that any contributions that may contravene either our Mission Statement or Editorial Guidelines, will be hidden by IMC-London admins and users.
So now, a few basics we think can help you using this site:- Remember that other people might not know about the issue you're writing on, so don't forget to include the who, where and when, but also, importantly the why it did happen. If you start your report with a short summary stating these facts, you are much more likely to catch the reader's attention.
- Links to websites and other articles that provide background information to your story are very helpful. They help putting your report in context.
- Also spellchecks can make all the difference. It is a good idea to type first your texts into a word processor so they can be spell checked before publishing. Don't forget to check the spelling of your titles and media captions. Using a word processor instead of directly the publish form, also secures your text against being lost in case of any problems with the publishing system.
- It is also a very good idea to keep revisiting your own article after publishing it, so you have the chance of answering any questions your article may arise, or respond any comments other users may post to your article.
- See a much more detailed 'How to Publish Guide'. It contains lots of tips and help about how to write a good article.
So, if you want to write a report, or publish media go to the Publish Page and follow the easy steps.
You can also publish information about an event coming up - an action, a protest, a meeting, a party or a gig, for example - and it will appear at the brand new Calendar of Events. Remember, the more background information you include and the more creative you are with your posting, the more likely you are to get people's interest to your event. And please note the the Editorial Guidelines also apply to these posts.
The new site also makes it possible to make your own account. If you become a registered user you will be able to edit your article after having published it.
If you are part of a campaign or a group, you will probably be interested in the groups function of our site. This will enable your group or campaign to have your very own section on Indymedia London, including a presentation about your group, a collection of your articles, and an archive of any other articles or media you are interested in, or relate to your group or campaign. Think of it like a blog, but better! :-) To register your group or campaign click here.
The lenght and depth of your contributions is entirely up to you.. Your group's section can be as much a resource and outreach as you make it. You don't need to be a writer with a capital W, nor a journalist with a J or a photographer with a P to contribute to London Indymedia. This is a DIY project, where everyone contributes skills, interests and knowledge. It is the diversity of approaches of your contributions, and the quality of material you publish what will make Indymedia London a vibrant and useful resource relevant for this city, hopefully reflecting the collective creativity and intelligence of this town. That's why it is important that you write your reports first hand, and that the media you publish is material you've put together yourself instead of doing a lazy copy and paste from somewhere else.
It is time to take back our lives and our city! ... Get publishing! :-)
If you have any feedback or suggestions, come across bugs that need fixing, submit a ticket to the hyperactive project site, email the IMC London list or use the comment function below.
Hide the following 6 comments
18.10.2008 16:23
crash test it again please
19.10.2008 00:24
no indication of file size limits and after 20 minutes or so it ended up crashing
Then to upload a story
it very nearly lost it completely with revisions, just got warnings and pages full of horizontal lines full of errors
Am I having a bad day or are you talking it up?
Maybe I'm supposed to be running the latest version of wonderful Firefox - or IE?
I'm sure lots of hard work has gone into it but it ain't working.
Tony Gosling
Please note ...
20.10.2008 12:12
It appears that the video you mention above is about a protest in Bristol, and as such, it would have been hidden from IMC-London anyway. It is actually a good idea to have a look at the specific editorial guidelines of the IMC one wants to publish to,
For example, IMC-London Editorial Guidelines clearly state that one of the criteria for hidding is:
* Non London related reports: contributions that are not strictly related to London."
Please see the full Guidelines here:
London and UK
21.10.2008 12:28
Just a quick one, do things from the London newswire get shared with the UK site, or do we have to post them up to both sites? The london link seems to have moved from the UK publish page, but I can't see a "post to UK indymedia" link on the London site.
Bristly pioneer
. . . .asking if IMC-London has more of a sensible
23.10.2008 17:53
. . . . i see a few of the "remember each eleventh" pieces have also got "disparu"- after attracting useful comments/discussion, despite the usual flak . . . .
. . . . is it possible you investigate -
censorship check . . . .Good luck(DO lets publicise new site out of themargins)!
loookin' good!
27.11.2008 14:59