The door to parliament under seige.
A lady chained to railings... but had neglected to bring a chain.
Phwoarr!... I do beg your pardon.
The gathering of evidence against wrongdoers.
Incitement to commit further civil disobedience.
Constables observing miscreants in a local hostelry afterwards.
The casual observer might assume that the assemblage consisted of the usual raucous suffragette movement but in fact those present were protesting about changing climate and a request to cease burning new coal. Since my gardener has been tediously wearing me down with his continual complaints about the inclement weather this year, I shall instruct my housekeeper Mrs Bridges to burn only logs on the parlour fire henceforth.
Some further sources of enlightenment by means of Sir Tim Berners-Lee's splendid invention.

I was also carrying some cinematic apparatus and will in due course publish some moving pictures of the manifestation once my assistant has hand tinted all the frames.
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