The buns say 'Deeds Not Words' and 'Climate Bill Now'
Caroline Lucas and Tasmin Osmond
Rosie Boycott comes forward to speak
Joy Greasley of the WI speaking
Tasmin Osmond and woman police
Reaching The Houses of Parliament
* No airport expansion.
* No new coal-fired power stations.
* The creation of policy in line with the most recent climate science and research.
Those attending were asked to wear white, and many dressed in ways that reflected the styles of a century ago, and wore red sashes with the words 'Reform Climate Policy', 'No New Coal' 'Climate Code Red' and 'No Airport Expansion', with campaigners against a second runway at Stansted having their own 'Suffrajets' design. We were also offered fairy buns with 'Deeds Not Words' and 'Climate Bill Now'.
There were approaching a thousand people in the square for the speeches by Rosie Boycott, Joy Greasley (Vice-Chair of the Women's Institute), a Muslim lawyer (I didn't catch her name) and Green Party MEP and leader Caroline Lucas. As she finished speaking most of the crowd, led by Tamsin Osmond and friends, walked and ran across the road towards the main door into Parliament, chanting the Suffragette slogan 'Deeds Not Words'. The campaigners pushed through the police who made only a token attempt to stop them on their way, falling back to protect the door itself with several lines of police, and preventing any protesters entering the building. Two women got loud cheers and applause when they got over the wall and walked down a ramp inside, but they were soon brought back.
There was a long melee outside the door, with police picking up demonstrators and throwing them back. I saw no violence by demonstrators towards the police, they were just trying to move forwards towards the door. Eventually the area became so crowded that little movement of any kind was possible, and for a short time the protesters sat down. The stand-off was still continuing when I left at 7pm although people were drifting away. Later reports state that half a dozen arrests were made, including Tamsin Osmond, who was in breach of her bail conditions following the 'Plane Stupid' roof-top protest at the Houses of Parliament in February.
A lot more pictures at

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