Going into the the Royal Exchange
A French guest with the CIty police
Excessive force in a choke grip
Apart from a few instances of individual tempers being lost (and some of the press covering the event had a few tricky moments - I got a few bruises by being pushed by police and my glasses were damaged) the atmosphere generally remained relatively calm, often resembling more a rather rough body-contact game such as a rugby scrum than anything more confrontational.
Eventually a short rally with speeches was held on the corner of London Wall and Bishopsgate, after which the demonstrators slowly dispersed. I didn't see any arrests and the police seemed fairly relaxed at the end of the event.
Contrary to reports elsewhere on Indymedia and some blogs, the demonstrators - perhaps surprisingly - were at no time anywhere near the Stock Exchange, around half a mile away in Paternoster Square.
More pictures on My London Diary http://mylondondiary.co.uk in a day or two.
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