"If this country is to achieve genuine democracy, the result of the elections of 1990 must be recognized. It must be recognized by the military regime, as it has been recognized by the people, and by the world at large. It is through this recognition that we will be able to make genuine progress in Burma. The results of the 1990 General Elections must be implemented is a resolution already taken by the United Nations. We already know that the General Assembly of the United Nations has accepted the notion that the will of the people has been expressed in the 1990 General Elections. This is something we cannot abandon. It will be to the detriment of our country if after an election has been held the results are not honoured and we do not resist attempts to trivialise it", once Aung San Suu Kyi insisted.
We cannot ignore the lives of people scarified in 1988 mass uprising when more than 3000 people were gunned down, we cannot forget 2007 Saffron revolution when soldiers and riot police beaten and opened fire on Buddhist monks and peaceful demonstrators and we cannot close the eyes to the suffering of the heroes of Burma who are now in prisons and who were in prisons sacrifice their lives, faced torture and brutal treatment in order to show their aspiration for democracy.
A tremendous responsibility rests upon the United Nations Organisation to a far better end, and we are looking for a more positive and bolder lead of the United Nations as military regime is trying to nullify the results of the 1990 elections result by planning to hold another election in 2010.
Burmese people show their destiny, their will and sacrifice their lives already. United Nations must step up further in order to solve Burma crisis and actions needed to be taken practically focusing on to implement 1990 Elections result. The solution for the crisis of Burma is to recognize 1990 election result to restore democracy and rule of law where everyone can enjoy the freedom of speech, press, beliefs and assembly that emphasizes the protection of individual rights.
This is time to take actions and not words. Military government bought the time for 20 years and we should not let it happen anymore. United Nations must set out the dead lines to transfer power to Aung San Suu Kyi’s party National League for Democracy (NLD) by 2010. We don't want any more waiting games. General Assembly of the United Nations has accepted the notion that the will of the people has been expressed in the 1990 General Elections. International community strongly condemned the junta for refusing to allow elected representatives to meet as a People's Assembly and for failing to honour the results of the elections and hand over power. UN General Assembly has since 1991 passed successive annual Resolutions calling on Burma "to restore democracy and implement the results of the 1990 elections".
Burma Democratic Concern launched the global petition online to implement 1990 Elections result so as to restore peace, stability and national reconciliation in Burma.