Noticed the removal of habeus corpus and other hard-won fundamental rights?
Concerned about ID cards, ever-increasing police powers, punishment without trial, intrusive state surveillance and the ongoing abuse of terror powers?
Angered by the UK government's proposals for 42 day detention, yet more secret inquest powers and the proposed national database (of all emails, phone calls and web-sites visited by everyone)?
Know anything about the human rights abuses taking place on hundreds of children, daily at the many secret detention centres set up around the UK?
ER, Extraordinary Rendition
Need I say more?
Demonstrate for Civil Rights
Thursday 11th September
4pm-7pm at the Ministry of Justice
102 Petty France

Nearest Tube; St James Park
Bring blank placards, marker pens, bells, whistles and other noisy stuff. Plus friends and some nice food to share. Or alternatively, just bring yourself..
This demo is called as part of the Freedom Picnic Campaign.