A serious worry is that moves have been made to remove this information from circulation, yet no intention of clearing their name in court. Greatly concerning. This is about children.
These two companies were founded in different years.
According to

After the death of CEPIC in 1981, PIO was reorganized into the possibly even more influential European Institute of Management (EIM). Col. Rene Mayerus, a good friend of Major Jean Bougerol (the protege of de Bonvoisin and Vanden Boeynants and accused by X1 of being involved in the child abuse network) became administrative-director of EIM.
However, European Investment Managers was founded by Arpad Busson in 1992: from:

1992: Mr. Arpad Busson founded EIM S.A. in Switzerland to facilitate construction and management of tailor-made funds and portfolios of hedge funds.
There is little about the chairman of the first company, Jean-Pierre Etter, on the internet.
Apparently European Institute of Management (in the UK) has told people on ringing that they have the wrong number, and it seems the details on their website are for a registered office, rather than their own premises.
If this is the same Jean-Pierre Etter, he was associated with the Rylander case: from:

7. Mr. Jean-Pierre Etter, associate at the Institute for Social and Preventive Medicine................
.........While listing various positions held by Prof. Rylander as expert and adviser, these make no mention of his links with the tobacco industry.
The interviews held with Professors Jeanneret and Rougemont as well as with Dr. Jean-Pierre Etter show that Ragnar Rylander enjoyed a very good reputation: he was seen as a productive researcher and appreciated as a teacher. His personal charisma and the influence he exercised over those working with him helped to provide him with considerable freedom of action within the Institute for Social and Preventive Medicine, all the more so since that was not his main place of affiliation. His ability to attract outside funding was known but it was actually favourably viewed, given the modest means at the disposal of preventive medicine
A Jean-Pierre Etter has also written a book: 'Start small, grow big, stay human and conquer the world.'

The website www.eimconsult.com now no longer exists. European Institute of Management can now be found here:

The chairman of European Investment Managers, Arpad Busson, is found frequently on the internet.
This comment was made with respect to the EIM Group and Arpad Busson,in the mainstream media:

EIM is reckoned to have about £5.5 billion under management. But available accounts reveal next to nothing.
The firm's figures are consolidated in Luxembourg and are not released to the public. Neither is Busson's client list — although we know EIM has had dealings with the wealthy Bin Laden Saudi Arabian clan, albeit not with Osama Bin Laden himself.
Since Arpad Busson is also chairman of 'ARK', which now controls schools in the UK, transparency would be appropriate, and clarification of the situation between these companies with appropriate records being made available
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