And both groups are hosting the Vegan Skillshare, a national networking event at Sumac on Saturday 13th Sept see

We are hoping that everyone available will help with the many tasks of hosting the Vegan Skillshare (a national networking event), running workshops and prepping food. However if anyone not involved in the skillshare, and preferred to do the NottmAR stall at the Baths event instead, we could arrange samosas, pasties, cake, soft drinks etc for a table top stall (if fine), raising funds for NottmAR, &/or the Baths Campaign, &/or any other campaign of your choosing.
Waddya Think?
btw. They are also looking for more bands and performers:
Event info:


This Thursday, Friday and Saturday Veggies are providing lunch (only) for 120 at the Anarchist Studies Network Conference at Loughboro University (

This runs straight into the London Vegan Festival - Sunday 7th September 2008 (

We hope to leave Nottm about 6pm-ish on _Saturday_, to stay over in London ready for the Sunday event. Again there is also lots to do in advance, esp helping bake lotsa cakes, and loading in a hurry after getting back from the Loughborough event.
Can you help in any way, in advance, travelling with us, pitching in at Kensington, or helping unload & clear up on Monday, to help get us ready for the next event on that same day:
Heckler & Koch Demo
Monday 8th September 2008
Details from

> Upcoming Nottm Animal Rights Events from

> Sat 30/08/08: Information stall in the city centre. Starting 13:00. Outside
> Hotel Chocolat. Just turn up if you can spare some time.
> Fri 05/09/08: Kfc lunchtime action, from 13:00. Help appreciated. Contact
> the group if you can make it, or just turn up at the "restaurant".
> Sat 06/09/08: NottmAR outing to Herefordshire. There may be transport going
> from sumac, watch this space.
> Sat 06/09/08: Grantham Veggie/Vegan social. Contact the group for more info.
> Sun 07/09/08: The London Vegan Festival. Veggies catering, volunteers
> needed. One of the big indoor vegan extravaganzas, in kensington town hall.
> Thu 11/09/08: Kfc action, as in previous weeks, meet 17:45 at lions.
> Thu 11/09/08: Fortnightly planning meeting. all welcome. In the city centre
> this week starting 20:00.
> Sat 13/09/08: Vegan cooking/activism skill share. An exciting day of
> workshops and yummy scran (which will include cookies). Help appreciated,
> contact the group.
> Sat 13/09/08: Victoria swimming baths have invited Nottmar to have an
> infromation stall on this day. Any volunteers?
Veggies Food Is Here!

4th Sep 08
Anarchist Studies Network Conference
7th Sep 08
London Vegan Festival
8th Sep 08
Heckler & Koch Demo
13th Sep 08
Vegan Skillshare
19th Sep 08
The Wedding!
4th Oct 08
South Yorkshire Wood Fair
5th Oct 08
Animal Rights Coalition
16th Oct 08
Worldwide Day of Action Against McDonalds
16th Oct 08
Vegan Free Food Give-Away
18th Oct 08
Veggies 24th Anniversary!
18th Oct 08
Anarchist Bookfair
E T C...