Bringing our August season with The Good Ship Kilburn to a close, we find ourselves moored on a Bank Holiday and the sounds of Notting Hill Carnival just over the hill.
Join us for a latin flavoured Carnival Monday Love with Movimientos, Hands of Venezuala, and the big band sounds of Kaya, fresh from Carnival 2008.
Reasoning this week will come in the shape of:
Brad Will, Oaxaca
When Indymedia and independent reporter Brad Will was shot by mexican police while reporting on Oaxaca in 2007, his video camera fell from his hands. But it didn't stop recording. This extra-ordinary, moving and inspiring film shows the life of one young mans position in front line filmmaking, but also charts the movement of movements that he was a part of. From the squats of New York to the forests of Oregon, from the anti-globalization protests in Seattle, Prague, Quebec to the popular uprising in Oaxaca, Brad's camera paints us a picture of what his life was about, and what so many of his friends continue to struggle for.
Abajo el Colonialismo...Pachamama Libre!
This 30min documentary from Venezuala shows the demolition of the statue of Christopher Columbus in Plaza Venezuela, 2004. This small but historical event opened, with its simplicity, new pathways in the anti-colonial consciousness of the people, and also brought with it controversy that resulted in rich debate.
Live music from Kaya, special performance from The Assembled Servants (if you missed them last week, don't miss them again!), all the freshest old school and contemporary dancefloor Latin beats with Movimientos DJs, and lots of surprises too.
Monday Love welcomes you for more MultiMedia Piracy, Open Deck discussion,
independent music, Social witnesses, & Front line Filmmaking....
to Share with us 100 things we need to know this year.
All aboard Pirates, for Monday Love Carnival Special!
films start at 7pm, DJs till 2am
The Good Ship, 289 Kilburn High Road