Now the Climate Camp is over, has your home or social centre turned into tat storage facility? Or do the police still have alot of your stuff?!
Do you have equipment? Spaces activist groups can use? Skills you would like to share with others? ATC are currently doing an audit of grassroots movements to see what materials we have and what we have to offer each other.
For this year's Climate Camp, we have provided several marquees, toilets and grey water systems, as well as most of the tools in the site office.
Mobilisations like the Climate Camp require huge amounts of logistical organisation, and the ATC wants to minimise this work by enabling people to share skills and equipment.
ATC aims to be as professional as possible, maintaining and storing equipment responsibly and ensuring that it is returned or replaced. This will reduce waste and free up valuable time for actual campaigning!
We are asking all neighbourhoods to fill in our on line questionnaire so that groups across the country can access the tat and skills we have collected in the run up to this years camp.
Please take part in our questionnaire, and help us create a strong network where we share skills and materials.
Note: please only offer useful equipment that you are prepared to share; not just things you want to throw away!
For more info see: