Seamus Breathnach 15/08/2008 06:51
Unfortunately, the Pope and his enormous empire is quite capable of suing the whole world. Through Opus Dei, he already owns most of the Supreme Courts and , in some countries, he even has a Special Place drafted into their Constitution. This was so for the Republic of Ireland and East Timor; and , if you looked closely enough at a couple of dozen other Catholic countries , you would find the same anti-secular bias, even when such countries brag about 'every citizen being equal before the law'. Catholicism makes tin-pot dictatorships out of the most well-meaning countries. One has only to mention Spain, Portugal and Austria to see what they did to these countries in the past, or to Spain, Italy or Germany before , during and after WW11. The personality of the Christian, when you have taken away the Janus-mask of White Pope (who does the PR from the Vatican) and the Black Pope , who does the biz abroad, is one of deception, forgery, incalculable violence and aggression ,not just to women and children in 'State-run Catholic schools', but in the broadest theaters of universal civil and international war.
Caesar’s-Messiah’s Vicar Calls for Peace (Again) in Georgia?
Seamus Breathnach 15/08/2008 06:51
Unfortunately, the Pope ( or , more properly, Caesar's-Messiah's Vicar) and his enormous empire is quite capable of suing indymedia but the whole goddamn world. Through Opus Dei, he already owns most of the Supreme Courts and , in some countries, he even has a Special Place drafted into their Constitution. This was so for the Republic of Ireland and East Timor; and , if you looked closely enough at a couple of dozen other Catholic countries , you would find the same anti-secular bias, even when such countries brag about 'every citizen being equal before the law'. Catholicism makes tin-pot dictatorships out of the most well-meaning countries. One has only to mention Spain, Portugal and Austria to see what they did to these countries in the past, or to Spain, Italy or Germany before , during and after WW11. The personality of the Christian, when you have taken away the Janus-mask of White Pope (who does the PR from the Vatican) and the Black Pope , who does the biz abroad, is one of deception, forgery, incalculable violence and aggression ,not just to women and children in 'State-run Catholic schools', but in the broadest theaters of universal civil and international war.
When the White Pope comes to a country the rent-a-crowd invariably and moronically sing 'He has the whole wold in his hands, in his hands'. This is to disguise the existence of the Black Pope and the political workings of the Curia, whose members have all abjured their own culture to dedicate themselves to the black arts on behalf of the Black Pope and the Papacy.
But it is to the emotional slaves on a personal level (the baby Jesus and his blessed mother in a poor stable in Bethlehem) that the Popes appeal.
On the international level, the present Pope, Benedict XVI, not unlike his predecessors, wishes presently to sell out Europe and its secular history. In their anti-secularism (especially anti-communist crusade) the Papacy organized and fomented WW11. It took millions of lives to quell that hatred, which still obtains today throughout the world. Christian fascism is built into the Christian personality.
Its most perfect and totalitarian expression is to be found in Unam Sanctum, where the most naked expression of power outside of comic books is conceived as a worldly political reality and should be read by every person on the planet. Its realization is to be found in every message the Papacy sends out respecting its messianic mission:'To go and teach all nations...'
It was in this vein that the crusades were 'preached' -- that is, conceived, organized, promoted and executed -- by the Papacy.
It's just that Christians cannot hear what these religious messages mean in real political terms. To Christianize the world is to destroy all other live forms and cultures and the Papacy, backed by some nations who have regretted their colonial past, have done precisely that. The Irish, for example, who imagine themselves the victims of colonial aggression, use the national broadcasting system to subscribe to imperializing the smallest and remotest villages in Africa and elsewhere. Nothing will do the Catholic-owned broadcasting station than to enlist the Government and the people in paying for more Catholic Churches everywhere, regardless of the imperialist effects those churches have on the native environment. No one ever told the Irish that being 'against imperialism' means being against religious imperialism as well as against the secular variety. At least with secular crimes, a historic reflection is possible,and therefore, a cessation is probable. Because the Catholic has no conception of reflective history in a secular way, his medieval morality allows him to proceed to colonize and imperialize every other culture in the same way his own has been colonized. It's called 'ignorance', but 'keeping the faith' means that one never needs to know oneself or one's culture as imperialist.
And after the Crusades followed the vast periods of colonization of the National Church/States. The inheritance of the Christian conquest being the most singular thread in the creation of tensions, aggressions and wars both between religions (on the outside of Christianity) and within Christianity as eternal civil war ( as in the Reformation and the divisions created by every Catholic settlement at home and abroad).
Nor was it too long ago that the Christian Fascists, Franco, Mussolini and Hitler, knew that they went to war with an underlying if explicit Papal justification and approval : they were fighting Communists (who were also Atheists, that is, non-card-carrying Christians).
Under JP11, Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, that Christian aggression was continued. We should thank the Atheists for not pursuing it, but rather allowing the Berlin wall to topple and with it, their entire civilization.
Recently, in both the US and Australia, the Pope has come out rallying the faithful -- this time , in favour of the 'War on Terrorism'. This was the debt he owed George Bush, Tony Blair and the Regensburg Lecture. But the War on Terror is really the same old war on atheism (communism), and the use of daggers directed at China (through Tibet and elsewhere -- as George Bush puts it for 'freedom of religion') and at Russia (through the US, NATO and self-serving Georgia) is perfectly Papal.
The recent Lisbon vote and its manipulation in Ireland is part of the same Vatican-Anglo-American persuasion. The Pope is selling his influence over Europe to the US (Bush talks about freedom of religion and the Pope talks about the War on Terrorism). The post war 11 common interest in anti-communism between Jesuits and CIA is really a Vatican strategy.
So, the apology is part of the same hypocritical spiel. We all know that the Christian conquest disguises the acts of conquest which NATO contemplates.
At the top all is image and propaganda!
At the moment the Pope sells out secular Europe to the most conservative elements of bible-thumping America. Georgia and Tibet are two of the latest joint ventures of the Black Pope and the CIA.
Despite the latest biblical studies that have pulled the entire carpet from under the Holiness of the Caesarean cult of Christianity, the machine grinds away as if nothing has happened.
As Ethelbert Stauffler, Francesco Carotta Joseph Atwill and the Piso Family Historians have shown, the Jesus Caesar cult of Christianity has as much authenticity as Harry Potter or Humpty Dumpty -- which, of course, gives us an idea of the enormity of the White Pope'/Black Pope's antics in the world at large and with diffident cultures in particular. Ireland, Poland and the Philippines, not to mention Austria, Spain and Portugal, seem to have been the most superstitious of Catholic countries, never believing for a moment that the real progenitor of all their wars and homage was none other than the pagan Caesars and the cult of Divus Julius, which the clever old Churchmen seized upon as the biggest rip off in the entire history of the world.
Benedict XVI in Georgia, through his Black Shadow and the sixty or so Jesuit universities scattered evenly between the US and India, has managed to continue WW11 fascism (through the Buddhists in Tibet) and the Catholics in Georgia and elsewhere. Neither China nor Russia are allowed to be secular and towards the end of destroying these countries, the Pope will sell Europe's secular heritage for a pottage of American bible-thumpers like himself, even when we now know , historically and unequivocally, that the 'thump' in the Bible is akin to striking a dead dog. The new truth is that the 'Jesus said'- people haven't got an inch of ground to make such claims.
Not only did 'Jesus' say absolutely nothing, but he never was; neither were Matthew, Mark , Luke or John, the Apostles or the fire-burner, Paul. The God of the NEW TESTAMENT never existed, and if we are left with his very vocal Vicar, is it not time to muzzle him.
Of course the Vicar of Caesar now has more powerful agents posted across the world that he can still sue people and perhaps even go to court -- an opus dei court -- and prove that Stauffler, Carotta, Atwill and the Pisos, are wrong. But , then, the world might get to see, for the first time, the Pharaoh without his clothes.... In the interests of truth and of preventing any more Christian wars, would it not be worth going to court?
Seamus Breathnach
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