Tuesday 15 July 2008
7.30am outside Pimlico School, on Lupus Street, Pimlico, London, SW1V 3AT: join the picket lines to say no to private financier and Tory party investor John Nash of Sovereign Capital.
Nash's Future Academies have so far caused major disruption and safety concerns to Pimlico School teachers and pupils by deciding it was fine to destroy the school around them, in a fast-track effort to rebuild the school. Teachers have claimed its like working in an earthquake zone and noise levels are far above safety levels. The construction has also seen dust and other pollution being breathed in by staff and pupils, which is coming from the building work. Their are also concerns that asbestos dust is also in the pollution.
Soon cranes will be brought in to continue the building work, which will overhang the pupils and staff in the remaining school and portacabins. Construction safety group Battersea Crane Disaster Action Group have already expressed serious concern about the entire Pimlico regeneration process, supporting the previous protests.
Please come, show your support for the teachers against UK school privatisation, oppose John Nash's regeneration plan that endangers staff and children for profit.
10.30am outside Willesden County Court at 9 Acton Lane: join the Wembley teachers, local businesses and residents as Brent Council apply for an immediate eviction order on the Wembley Anti-Academy Tent City Occupation.
Last week saw Ark representatives arrive to assess the site, so the construction wokrers are not far off. Brent Council have pushed for an immediate eviction order on the Tent City on the Wembley Sports Ground, Bridge Road, so the construction of temporary accomadation for the first 60 pupils can start. They will either be in portacabins on the sports fields or housed in the sports hall, a leaking dilapidated building that needs some serious work.
Both options for temporary housing of students will be fully funded by the local taxpayer and not by Ark, the private investor in the Wembley Academy school.
If Brent Council gain the eviction order then it is expected immediate action will be used to evict the Tent City.
Brent NUT & ATL Secretary Hank Roberts said on Friday 11 July, that they will resist the eviction, non-violently, in any way they can and asked for people to join him. Non-violent direct action tactics will be used.
Join the Campaign Against Academisation. Support the teachers, businesses and residents of Wembley, oppose all UK school privatisation, oppose all education for profit.
For more details contact 0776 2737 306 or 0784 3282450

Wembley Tent City Occupation

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Previous posts:
Anti-Academy Teachers Take To The Trees

Wembley Summer Camp Open: Squat The Land, Smash School Privatisation

Wembley Anti-Academy Tent City Facing Eviction: Party And Resist!!!

Wembley Teachers Say No To Privatised Schooling

200 School Pupils In Huts On A Construction Site

The Boil on Busson's Butt

Save Our Schools 22-minute film available on Reel News issue 13
Stop them Privatising Our Schools available on Reel News issue 12
Wembley Occupation available on Reel News issue 10