This protest took place at two locations across London on Sunday 12.07.08.
UK, London. Anti-scientology demo at the scientology HQ. 2008
UK, London. Anti-scientology demo at the scientology HQ. 2008
UK, London. Anti-scientology demo at the scientology HQ. 2008
UK, London. Anti-scientology demo at the scientology HQ. 2008
UK, London. Anti-scientology demo at the scientology HQ. 2008
UK, London. Anti-scientology demo at the scientology HQ. 2008
UK, London. Anti-scientology demo at the scientology HQ. 2008
UK, London. Anti-scientology demo. Demonstrator going to the next location. 2008
UK, London. Anti-scientology demo, Tottenham Court Rd. 2008
UK, London. Anti-scientology demo, Tottenham Court Rd. 2008
UK, London. Anti-scientology demo, Tottenham Court Rd. 2008
UK, London. Anti-scientology demo, Tottenham Court Rd. 2008
The second was 'Scientology & Dianetics Centre': 68 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 0BB.
Around 200-ish people attended, most wearing masks from the 'Anonymous' movement.
The demonstrators see Scientology not as a religion, worthy of having a 'church', but as a dangerous cult. The atmosphere was happy, loud and chaotic.
When I left around 4 it was all going off peacefully. Lots of flyers were being given out and people were honking their horns in support. People passing seemed keen to offer more support to the protesters than to the 'Church' of Scientology - in fact, many people present spoke of having negative previous experiences with Scientology.
It seems the masks are necessary as there have been allegations of Scientologists harrassing demonstrators after previous events.
For more info on the 'Anonymous' movement, here is their London site:

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All images copyright Billy Macrae 2008.
An edit of this protest will be on my photo-blog soon, along with others on various themes:

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