[[An informal report and discussion on the Rog Social Centre in Ljubljana]]
European Social Center's meeting report tonight at Bowl Court >>>
ROG, 20-21-22 June
More information at:

8PM @ Bowl Court
[[An informal report and discussion on the Rog Social Centre in Ljubljana]]
Members of the Rog collective will present on the current state of
affairs in an occupied factory in Ljubljana currently under threat by
local government. Rog is a completely furnished, programmatically
innovative and well visited concert hall, circus and gallery. The
social centre holds regular meetings and weekly discussions with
workers living in boarding houses, activists from the asylum seekers
home, people without papers, detained in the detention centre in
Postojna, the erased citizens of Slovenia and others who recognise the
creative, organisational and resistance potential of Rog. The
temporary users of Rog represent an inexhaustible wealth of knowledge
and experience. In many ways they have become an example to other
autonomous spaces of independent art and cultural, intellectual and
social activities both in Slovenia and in Europe.
The Rog factory proves that it is possible to organize life and labour
without concessions to privilege and profit demanded by the capitalist
city management and the advancing eradication of public spaces,
including institutions of art, culture, education and social
activities. As an active site of occupation, Rog's users denounce all
forms of eradication of such places and stand committed to defending
The event follows a meeting of European Social Center's meeting to be
held at ROG, 20-21-22 June
More information at: