International solidarity with political prisoners of imperialism!
Saturday 14th June 12 -3pm
North pavement of Trafalgar Square
Join us to protest in support of imperialism’s prisoners in Britain and around the world. Bring banners, placards, leaflets, drums. All welcome – let’s make our voices heard.
called byFight Racism! Fight Imperialism! Tel: 0207 837 1688 Email:

USA: In 2007 the US prison population rose to an all-time high of 2.3million. More than one in every 100 adults in the US is now a prisoner. One in 106 white men one in 36 Hispanic and one in 15 black men are behind bars. Among black men aged 20-34, the figure rises still further to one in nine. In this massive prison system are political prisoners who the US government tries unsuccessfully to silence.
Guantanamo : 270 prisoners still detained without trial in an illegally occupied part of socialist Cuba as part of the so-called ‘war on terror’.
Britain : Since Labour came to power in 1997 it has created 3,000 new criminal offences and the prison population of England and Wales has increased by 20,000. Out of every 100,000 people, 148 in England and Wales and 142 in Scotland are now in prison. This does not count those detained in mental hospitals or immigration detention centres. Plans are in the pipeline to build three massive new ‘Titan’ prisons, as well as more immigration detention centres.
Palestine: There are over 11,000 Palestinians in Israeli prisons – more than 750 detained without trial /Since the start of the intifada in 2000 over 2,500 children have been arrested.
No Borders! Benefit Gig
Saturday 14th June - 8 pm to 2am
Bowl Court Social Centre
Near Liverpool Street
Map :

Live acts: Jarmean!/ Oyster/ Lola Johnson/ Camilla Cancantata/ Le Cirque du Desolation / + others TBC
Djs: Xtrats/ Sphynx /Prisce de Cockroach
All money raised goes to support detainees/ asylum seekers and to LARC
Contact :

Against the Borders, Against the G8
Planning meeting Saturday 15th June
3pm, Pullens Centre
184 Crampton Street SE 17
Elephant & Castle

for more info:
Anti-deportation campaigns unite:
STALLS at Refugee Week events
First stall at Celebrating Sanctuary, Sunday 15th June,
Bernie Spain Gardens on the South Bank, 2 to 7pm
-Trude, Barbara and Trevor must stay!
-Juliet and Ashleen must stay!
-Jack must stay!
-Other campaigns are welcome to join!
We will collect as many signatures as possible and rise support for the campaigns.
Other stalls to follow at local events during Refugee week.
Help needed!

No to the Outrageous Directive!
Demonstrate Monday 16that 12 noon
outside the London office of the European Commission
8 Storey’s Gate, SW1P 3AT.
[torey's Gate runs North off Victoria St just before Parliament Square].
A letter of protest will be handed in. Bring placards, banners.
The ‘Return Directive’ to be voted on by the European Parliament on 17th or 18th June 2008 provides for European Union member states to:
·Detain non-EU migrants for up to 18 months
·Detain and deport migrants including vulnerable people, unaccompanied minors (under 18 years of age) and pregnant women
·Expel unaccompanied minors and other migrants to a country where they have neither family nor legal support
·Ban an expelled migrant from re-entering any part of the EU for up to 5 years.
Invitation to OPEN SPACE planning meeting
Tuesday 17 June 2008 7 pm
At NoID Gallery, 26 Calvert Avenue, E2
OPEN SPACE is a proposal for a weekly daytime space where
asylum-seekers, activists, local people and anyone fighting immigration controls can gather to
organise campaigns, share skills and resources or just hang out.
People reporting to COMMUNICATIONS HOUSE can come to the space before
and after signing. They are welcome to leave details of friends, relatives or solicitors to be alerted if they are detained.
Anyone who would like to use the space or support it in other ways is invited to the planning meeting.

'Experience Darfur': a UNHCR refugee camp in central London
- Trafalgar Square, 17 June
On Tuesday 17th June, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) will set up a mock refugee camp in London's Trafalgar Square. Coinciding with Refugee Week and the visit of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres to London, the exhibition provides an opportunity for Londoners and visitors to engage with the realities of life in a refugee camp and serves as a reminder that most of the 33 million globally displaced people reside in the world's poorest countries.
The free exhibition will be open from 9am to 6pm and all are welcome.
To find out more visit
Asylum Seekers Speak Out! and Film Night
Wed 18th June - 8.00 pm to 11.00pm
Bowl Court Social Centre
Near Liverpool Street
Map :

Asylum seekers and refugees telling their experiences. This will be a community circle not a stage. Speakers needed (as many as possible!). Films: After Sangatte (by Oscar Beard) - Still Human, Still Here (A.I. film on the plight of destitute asylum seekers) - Real Harm (Schnews on the No Borders protest at Harmondsworth 2007)- The Early Bird Catches the Firm ( on stopping dawn raids in Scotland) etc.
Contact :

Unauthorised* 24-hour "Tent City" in Parliament Square - Against Deportations to Iraq
12 noon Sat. 21st June to 12 noon Sun. 22nd June (the last two days of Refugee Week)
Bring a tent and join us to demand an immediate end to all forcible returns to Iraq, and the restoration of benefits, housing and the right to work for all rejected Iraqi asylum seekers.
* Whilst technically an “unauthorised” - and therefore illegal - demonstration under Section 132 of SOCPA, arrests under the soon-to-be-repealed legislation are unlikely.
For more background see

For info about the camp contact the Voices office on 0845 458 2564 or visit

Asylum Dialogues performances during Refugee Week
iceandfire and Actors for Human Rights are pleased to announce the launch of their new documentary play Asylum Dialogues, celebrating friendship and solidarity between British people and asylum seekers living among them. Launched in conjunction with the national charity Refugee Action, Asylum Dialogues will be performed for one night only in four cities during Refugee Week
June 22 - London @ Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn High Road, NW6 7JR @ 6:15 for 6:30. Tickets: £7/5. To book:
Further info : Actors for Human Rights, iceandfireTheatre - 07913 513567 or 020 7377 5299 /
Radical History Discussion - Resistance in the UK's Detention Centres in the Last Decade
Tuesday 24 June 2008 - 7 pm
Transport House
128 Theobald's Road
London WC1X 8TN
Asylum-seekers and migrants who have been locked up indefinitely by the British state are carrying out one of the most sustained fight-backs in the UK in recent years. The primary aim is not to plan future actions but to discuss what has happened already and why it has had such a low profile. We particularly welcome ex-detainees who witnessed or participated in detention centre protests and ex-prisoners who could relate this issue to prisoners' struggles. No Borders calls for the closure of all detention centres and an end to deportations
Contact :

Against the Borders, Against the G8
The 4th and 5th July 2008 will be your chance to take to the streets and be part of a creative intervention in Croydon. Come together with lots of other artists, activists and alternative astronauts, to create a disturbance in the normal structure of time and space and show your support for the protests against the G8 in Japan.
There will be a protest outside the Japanese Embassy in solidarity with Activists in Japan on July 4th.
Why Croydon?
Electric House, a reporting centre. Who goes in side may never come back - they may be detained and deported. But failing to report can lead to deportation. Both Lunar and Electric House contain detention facilities.
Apollo House, where data is collected and evaluated, in order to determine which migrants are "useful" and allowed to stay or not and deported.
Croydon also has an Army Recruitment Centre and a nice big Shopping Centre.
Topics could include, but are not limited to militarism, capitalism, surveillance, sexism, racism, borders and control.
Come and prepare the Croydon Treasure Hunt, meet nice people, exchange ideas and get creative
The next meeting is on June 15, 3pm.

for more info: