Protesters climb the footbridge from Hatton Cross to the start of the march
Waiting for the march to begin
London Deputy Mayor Richard Barnes pledges the Mayor's support
FIT Team wastes public money photographing photographers

HACAN spokesman John Stewart introduced the speeches at the start of the march, welcoming protesters from around the UK as well as small groups from both France and Greece, but stressing that the vast majority of those protesting were people - like myself - who were effected by aircraft noise and pollution, and there were also many marching who faced losing losing their homes if the development goes ahead.
Politicians of all parties were there. They included the Deputy Mayor of London, Richard Barnes, a very sincere man from Hillingdon (his boss had at first agreed to come - but after being elected had decided to fly off for a holiday in Turkey instead.) Barnes, who welcomed us at the start of the march, reminded us of the series of lies behind the continuing development of the airport: "when they wanted Terminal Five, they told us there would be no third runway. They have constantly been lying to us ... But we are not going away, this is our home, this is where we live and we will defend it. I am convinced we are on the verge of a major victory, we have cross party support from all politicians - and so let's keep up the pressure", and he pledged the support of the London Mayor.
Archbishop Of Canterbury Rowan Williams had been expected to attend and give his support; although he was unable to make it he sent a message that was read out on his behalf.
Treasury spokesman Vincent Cable was there at the front of the march from Hatton Cross, along with local Labour MP for Hayes and Harlington, John McDonnell, who acted as host while the 'Big No' was being assembled and filmed at Sipson Recreation Ground, for a few minutes live on BBC News. That there were few Labour MPs present partly reflects few Labour MPs in the area most affected by Heathrow (or perhaps some were there, keeping in hiding because of their shame at government policies on the environment.)
The 'Big No' went on for rather a long time, perhaps why quite a few on the march had opted to stay at the local pubs rather than join in. But they did miss George Monbiot, who spoke as powerfully as he writes about the environmental impact. He was followed by the headmistress of a school under the flightpath (I think my father was a pupil from 1905-14, when aircraft noise was hardly a problem, though he did go to watch - and got told off for touching - the aircraft - perhaps even including Bleriot's - who touched down on Hounslow Heath, later London's first commercial airport.) She brought to us the practicalities of of educating children in the area (and two of her pupils) making clear that they loose much of their time in school as they are unable to hear their teachers. Schools are double-glazed, but that is only effective in the colder months of the year when it is possible to keep windows closed. At present, alternate working of the runways brings some little respite, but with continuing expansion this will be lost.
From there it was a short walk to a local school with an outdoor stage for entertainment and the final rally as well as stalls, childrens activities and an ice-cream van.
Speakers in the closing rally included the Tories John Randall, MP for Uxbridge and Justine Greening, MP for Putney. Susan Kramer from Richmond Park was the only Lib-Dem MP to speak (and, as in 2003, she was impressive.) Green MEP for South-East England Caroline Lucas had travelled back from Brussels to speak.
Hillingdon Council leader Ray Puddifoot who spoke for the local authorities representing two million of those affected by aircraft noise (but not to their shame Spelthorne Council, who seem determined to cosy up to BA and BAA, along with Spelthorne MP David Wilsher, one of few local MPs come out in favour of airport expansion. Wilsher also denies that climate change is caused by human activities and some constituents expect him to announce his membership of the flat earth society any day soon.
The rally ended with local resident and leader of NoTRAG, Geraldine Nicholson who thanked many of those who had worked so hard for NoTRAG and ended in a duet with John Stewart of HACAN - "No Third Runway!"
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