photo is of baby at Pyapon monastery - medical workers only have paracetamol
NO posters are for no vote in May 10th junta referendum
Dual Disasters - Cyclone and Junta
Allow International Aid Workers to go help
French Total Oil fuels junta oppression with 500 million dollars a year
Burmese monks compassion for their peoples plight provide most aid in Burma
Normally extremely well behaved - whilst oranisers are occupied ...
Some graffiti this time - passions were running understandably high
photo is of junta falling asleep during drafting of constitution
Whilst international aid agencies desperately try to get the aid experts into Burma, the junta's visa staff have gone on a 3 day holiday. The junta say they will accept aid, especially cash aid, but not foreign aid experts. Transparency International ranked Burma as the most corrupt country in the world in 2007, so not only do the junta lack the means to distribute large amounts of aid, nobody in their right mind can trust them.
The junta was even confiscating UN aid that had made it into Burma, causing the UN to temporarily halt aid shipments. The international media seemed to be fooled at times, reporting positive comments by Burmese officials that aid was welcome, only to learn that these officials positive comments were worthless as aid agencies were given the run-around by senior junta officials oblivious to aid agencies urgent appeals. Aid convoys were attacked by armed members of Swan-Ar-Shin, a government-supported organization that helped suppress last September’s demonstrations - see

There are numerous aid agency appeals for donations for cyclone relief. Burma Campaign UK has a web page on the crisis, with donation links to major charities helping victims of the cyclone eg. Christian Aid, Oxfam, The Red Cross, Islamic Relief and CAFOD. Those outside the Burmese community will probably feel more confident donating to these well known agencies. Please be careful of any spam email requesting donations as previous humanitarian disasters attracted fraudsters.

The Burmese democracy community in London is organising its own appeal on

Bank Name : Barclays Bank (uk)
Account Holder Name : Mr A Candobhasa
A/C 90 00 28 36
S/C 20 80 71
Mobile: 078 77 297 205
To use PayPal Account Please Pay to
ashinucandobhasa [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk
For security, you should independently check the above details at well known Burmese websites eg.

Other Burmese donation appeals