Mumia Abu-Jamal
is innocent!
Abolish the racist
death penalty!
Saturday 19 April
1pm, US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London W1A
(Nearest Tube: Bond Street)
Contact the Partisan Defence Committee on 020 7281 5504 or at

Come to the urgent united-front demonstration initiated by the Partisan Defence Committee
(See the attached leaflet and PDC press release). Bring your friends, colleagues, union banners and join the fight to free Mumia Abu-Jamal!
Free Mumia now!
Mumia Abu-Jamal
is innocent!
Abolish the racist
death penalty!
Saturday 19 April
1pm, US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London W1A
(Nearest Tube: Bond Street)
On Thursday, March 27, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision upholding Mumia Abu-Jamal’s frame-up conviction. In turning down Mumia’s appeal for a new trial, the Court ordered a new sentencing hearing to decide whether he is again to be sentenced to die or condemned to the living death of life in prison.
The Court’s decision is another slap in the face to all opponents of racist injustice. Recalling the infamous Dred Scott decision, the Court has again declared that a fighter for black freedom like Mumia has no rights that the courts are bound to respect. A former Black Panther Party spokesman, MOVE supporter and renowned journalist, Mumia is an innocent man, framed up for his political beliefs. He should never have spent a day in prison. There must be mass protests, centered on the power of the working class, to demand his freedom now.
Partial list of endorsers at 15 April 2008 (visit:

- Aberdeen Trades Union Council
- African Liberation Support Campaign
(ALISC), London
- Afrikan Liberation Day Organising
Committee, London
- Amalgamated Transit Union Local 241,
- A World to Win, London
- Black Action Defense Committee Inc,
- Patricia Campbell, President, Independent
Workers Union (Ireland)*, Belfast
- Dr Paul Mason, Cardiff Nexus Innocence
Project/No More Prisons, Cardiff, Wales
- Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, New
York City Chapter
- Paul Moffat, Communication Workers
Union Eastern Region
- Communication Workers Union Essex
Amal Branch
- Congress of South African Trade
Unions — Western Cape, Cape Town,
South Africa
- Day-Mer Turkish & Kurdish Community
Centre, London
- Jim Deery, Chairperson, Greater New Lodge
Community Forum — North Belfast*
- Gerry Downing, Committee Member,
- Professor Dr Heinrich Fink, Chairman,
VVN-BdA (Association of the Victims of
the Nazi Regime — Coalition of Antifascists)*,
- Dean O’Hanlon, Finsbury Park Branch,
National Union of Rail, Maritime and
Transport Workers
- Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!
- George Jackson Socialist League, London
- Goldii, daughter of Mumia Abu-Jamal,
- Jack Heyman, Executive Board member,
ILWU Local 10*, member, Labor Action
- Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal,
San Francisco, California
- Terry Hoad, President, Oxford UCU*
Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia
Abu-Jamal, Oakland, California
- Marcus Garvey Organising Committee,
- Pan-Afrikan Society Community Forum,
- Partisan Defence Committee
- Fred Hampton Jr, Chairman, Prisoners of
Conscience Committee, Chicago
- Revolutionary Communist Group
- Matthew Ryder, Matrix Chambers*, London
- Scottish Trades Union Congress
- Smita Shah, Barrister, Garden Court
Chambers*, London
- Spartacist League/Britain
- Spartacus Youth Group
- Toronto Forum on Cuba, Toronto, Canada
- Margaret Valente, Community Development
Worker, Star Neighbourhood Centre*,
- Glenroy Watson, Chair, RMT Finsbury Park
* Organisation listed for identification
purposes only
We want to make it very clear that endorsers and speakers at this protest initiated by the PDC under the slogans “Free Mumia now! Mumia Abu-Jamal is innocent! Abolish the racist death penalty!” do not necessarily agree in any particular with the call for the protest printed on the reverse of the attached leaflet or any other publicity issued by the PDC for the protest.
The Partisan Defence Committee is a class-struggle, non-sectarian legal and social defence organisation which champions cases and causes in the interest of the whole of the working people. This purpose is in accordance with the political views of the Spartacist League.