"if built" will become the "world's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility & animal testing lab due to be built on a deprived inner city Camden council house estate that needs homes & community facilities.
Gordon Brown has announced support for a medical research centre to be built on the three acres of vacant land behind the Brittish Library, right beside the new Eurostar terminal at St Pancras.
This announcement was made in defiance of Camden Council's planning brief for the area, developed after democratic consultation which calls for 50% housing. It also goes against the clearly expressed wishes of the community, which at apacked meeting in the winter clearly indicated thast it wants affordable housing and community facilities on the site.
The Green PArty's South Camden co-ordinator, Natalie Bennett, said that somers Town was one of the most disadvantaged communitites in London, with amale life expectancy 10 years lower than in Hampstead. "Overcrowding, lack of facilities & social disadvantage are amajor contribution to the problems of Somers Town," she said.
"It simply cannot afford to see this last substantial piece of land in the area occupied by ahigh-security fortress, which will handle highly dangerous viruses, will ahve to be."
The facility prposed for the British Libraryland is currently located on the outskirts of London, a far more suitable site, 10 times the size of the prosed new site.
The medical consortium also owns the former National Temperance Hospital Site on the Hampstead Road, and has indicated that it intends to sell it to the highest bidder. Yet more land lost from the community!
I understand that the medical consortium will presenting it's plans to the Somers Town community in the near future - after, it is reported, contracts have been signed. I would urge all local people to attend these sessions & make their views known."
We agree. Get down there and tell them we DO NOT want this lab!
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16.04.2008 18:21
London Against Camden Danger Lab
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17.06.2008 17:01
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