SHAC top targets Novartis are on the UCL campus. The UCL are part of the consortium in with the MRC who wan to build a huge virus container facility and animal torture lab. This has recently been criticised at government level.
The MRC and it's government backers are breaking Treasury rules ; spending YOUR money that they should not be allowed to have, on this evil lab.
The NHS for example would not be allowed to keep money in the way the MRC ahve been allowed. {See Guardian/eductaion April 1st 2008}
The Camden Lab will be the world's biggest animal torture lab housing hundreds of thousands of animals who will be tortured and murdered in horrific painful experiments, some of which last for years.
Novartis are a SHAC top target and are on the UCL campus. Eisai, another SHAC target are also on the UCL campus. Huntingdon Life Sciences have a grip on the UCL and as such will have input into the Camden lab.
Write to Frank Dobson and Camden councillors.
In doing so :
You will be helping SHAC.
You will be saving the hundreds of thousands of animals who will put in there "if " the lab is built.
You will be helping the people of Camden, particularly on the Somers Town council house estate where the lab is "due" to be built.
You will be helping the London against Camden Danger Lab campaign.
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Green Party where?
04.04.2008 02:38
Camden resident
Green Party = Useless
04.04.2008 14:29
Camden resident"
The Green Party is useless on issues that involve vivisection, they refused to get involved when Oxford built it's torture lab.
Smash Vivisection
The Green Party candidate for the area has been pushed around by the SWP Candy
04.04.2008 14:39
At the first public meeting attended by hundreds of people - it was made very clear that the major concern was THE LAB.
At the next meeting there were heated arguments as Ms Udwin refused to put ANYTHING about the lab on the petitions or posters, writing "Homes Not Offices". She has also refused to spread the campaign throughout Camden or mention the word "Camden" even on any of the campaign literature.
It was only when Animal Rights activists turned up at a demo that the lab got mentioned at all in my opinion during the deputation. Under their quiet watchful eyes Candy finally said something along the lines of "we don't want a research centre to have "all" of the land.
When it was suggested that Camden businesses should be invited on board Candy said "No." As a result there area round five or six people left in the campaign. The wonderful Helia Evens. Brilliant fighter Roger Robinson, Anna Stewart and two or three other people.
We are not "attacking" local campaigners by saying this...just pointing out the truth.
Mike Greene was treated campaigners with contempt. He asked one local lady "Madam, do you even know what a council house is?" and tried to bamboozle ordinary people with political speak.
Frank Dobson wasn't much better. He said : "we can't attack the medical research centre. They have lots of money and are therefore very powerful so there is nothing we can do. At least I stopped the needle exchange." This was met with utter fury from local people who shouted at him while he sat with his head bowed. Local people were unanimous in that they are against the lab. Keith Moffitt, head of Camden council has {according to Camden New Journal has been found out that he was in "secret talks with the MRC consortium" ages ago.
There has been hardly ANY media coverage on this.
Support the London Against Camden Danger Lab who are supported by a mixture of local residents, businesses and Animal Rights.
Lucinda Mellon
As suprising as....
04.04.2008 16:41
It's good to know though!
this story
What did you expect?
05.04.2008 11:39
Sian Berry MAyor candidate from the Green Party speaks out on lab.
11.04.2008 20:14
Sian gets our vote!
Where are SPEAK Political?
13.04.2008 22:29
Animal Rights Activist
Where are SPEAK Political?
13.04.2008 22:29
Animal Rights Activist
Candy Udwin works for the UCL......
13.05.2008 19:34