London Indymedia

Chris Coverdale arrested after giving War Crimes evidence

Andy | 02.04.2008 16:15 | SOCPA | London

Chris Coverdale has just been arrested at his home and will spend the night in cells awaiting a court appearance tomorrow for non-Payment of SOCPA fines.

Chris Coverdale has just been arrested at his home and will spend the night in cells awaiting a court appearance tomorrow for non-Payment of SOCPA fines. chris had this morning had his 4th meeting with memebrs of the war crimes unit at Scotland Yard giving evidence against Tony Blair and the rest of the architects of war. Over 11 hours of evidence has now been given. The law relates to the International Criminal Court Act: Sections 51 and 52, this is English and Welsh common law.



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Make What History?

02.04.2008 16:42

Here is a little background info I discovered about 'MWH'

Make What History?


02.04.2008 16:51

But I wonder how the truthers will manipulate this for their own exposure.

Truthers R Us

rabid rabbits

02.04.2008 19:51

"But I wonder how the truthers will manipulate this for their own exposure."

Lay off the smears by association for a moment. It is one thing for you to point out the support of certain people may be detrimental to any cause, but there is no reason to spy on Chris, there is nothing he would say in private that he doesn't try to say in front of a judge.
This isn't the first time Chris has been arrested for his anti-war activities. He has helped activists prepare their defences for years and helped launch a previous attempt to indict Blair. He was heavily involved in the group Legal Action Against War, which had the support of people like Michael Mansfield in trying to end the war legally. I applaud people like Chris who prove that war is illegal, not because I think it means the cops are going to arrest Brown tommorow, but because anything done to oppose our state then becomes legal.

You mock the group for wanting to end war by 2010 - what date would you see as realistic, or do you think war is inevitable ?


Guilt by association

02.04.2008 21:29

Urgh! There is a blatant operation unfolding here from supposed activists that will try to besmirch antiwar activists who tie into truth activism to reveal "conspiracy theorists" even while they are being messed over by the state.
Pathetic attempt


My comment is awaiting moderation

06.04.2008 15:17

I swear you are a joke.

The only posts about 911 on IM are you complaining about the number of 911 posts.

You just tried to smear a well-respected and long-standing peace campaigner, Chris Coverdale, and have yet to apologise or even indicate you learned from your mistake. And what is his crime ? He is prepared to work with someone you dislike. He was also prepared to work for Rose Gentle and umpteen other peace campaign worthies that I presume you never lifted a finger for. You mock his groups wish to end war by 2010, but refuse to answer if you mock that date as unrealistically soon or if you feel war is obviously inevitable. Are you even against the war ? I know you haven’t done a fraction of what Chris has done or else you would have stated your credentials, so who the fuck are you to try to mock him ?

I’ve only met one MI5 agent in the past seven years, and he a rabid anonymous poster against all 911ers. He took an interest in me as I was too at the time, I’m still ambivelent on the subject. You claim you need to be anonymous because the 911ers will come and get ya, but that is bullshit. I went up against every 911er and the only thing you have to fear is getting your PC hacked by the Larouche cult. I think your anonimity is purely motivated by the fact you are pitiful, insignificant nobodies launching spiteful attacks against genuine protestors under the camoflague of supposed threat. I can recognise your little McCarthist witch-hunt for what it is, and at best it is a petty attempt to cause disruption and offence to serious campaigners motivated by personal spite and misplaced arrogance.. You don’t need to be a cop to be doing a cop’s work for them, and you are doing their work here.



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