London Indymedia

M15 Anti-war demo

manos (IMC Cambridge) | 15.03.2008 20:27 | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Palestine | London

Its 5 years to the day since the historic 2 Million strong demonstration against the Iraq war. Here are some photos from the anniversary event in London, on 15 March, 2008.


manos (IMC Cambridge)
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Hide the following 26 comments

Its demeaning.

16.03.2008 06:34

Yes, cause awareness of your shortcomings by marching from prearranged A to B, penned in like sheep between steel railings and led by yellow jacketed police. Is this what public protest has come to in the UK today? Is it any wonder that the government can take us to war regardless of the will of the people when it can exercise so much control over our behaviour?

At least FitWatch had the balls to stand up to police photographers and get arrested for it.


thanks for the REAL pix as not shown on TV

16.03.2008 13:54

thanks for the REAL pix as not shown on TV

Have a listen to our little solidarity mp3 with a Lebanese perspective on it all.
Hear the geezer the Bristol elitists at the local paper and the Tory group on the council tried to ban

Tony Gosling
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Soft touch.

16.03.2008 19:46

''At least FitWatch had the balls to stand up to police photographers and get arrested for it''

Yes totally... im getting peed off reading BBC reports and other soft web sites saying that the police said no arrests were made... what total shite!!!

The rest of you can get herded from A to B in a pen, go home and think you had a jolly day out and 'did your bit' when a growing large portion of us just wont stand for it anymore.

Well done Fitwatchers!!


Watch The Watchers!

16.03.2008 21:07

Yes, we should ALL from now on when we go to any kinds of activist assemblies make it both our mission and our habit to go equipped ourselves with our own surveillance technology (all widely available from high street retailers after all), so that we can counter monitor police activities, especially those of the (un) FIT (for purpose) teams.

Get to know their faces the same way they get to know ours, but unlike them, we publish their mugs as widely as possible so that EVERYONE knows who it is that is spying on them every time they dare to stand up for their democratic right to protest, because after all they are trying to harass us for doing something it is our basic human right to do.

Give these people no place to hide.

It will also make it clear that no matter how much they try to spy on us, and catalogue our activities we will not be intimidated into submission, and will continue to fight for what we believe in, including unjust, illegal wars and occupations on Arab soil.

Who Cares?

RE: Indeed... Possible uncover FIT???

17.03.2008 00:32


The person you are fingering is known to myself and other indymedia people as a trusted independent film maker who is regularly harrased by the cops, especially the FIT. Making false accusations against genuine activists is a well documented tactic of real spooks. I would advise 'Coal' to be a bit more careful about making paranoid accusations about people unless you want others to start drawing unfortunate conclusions about YOU.

mail e-mail:

But THEY would say that.......

17.03.2008 08:53

"The person you are fingering is known to myself and other indymedia people as a trusted independent film maker who is regularly harrased by the cops, especially the FIT. Making false accusations against genuine activists is a well documented tactic of real spooks."

But a spook would say that wouldn't they - This is clearly a attempt to cover your exposure as a member of M15/6 CI5 and the NSA.

Clearly none them have anything better to do on their weekends than photograph clowns.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Confirming what guido's comment and fitwatch

17.03.2008 09:18

Just a quick note to confirm Guido's comment, that the person in question is an independent journalist who is trusted by lots of fitwatch people. Whilst it is very easy to be paranoid and start making accusations, it is always better to ask around a bit first before posting damaging comments on a public forum.

I will write a full report on Fitwatch on the day later, but for now, apart from the arrests, it was a very empowering day. We are changing the dynamics of policing on demos, and we are taking their power away. We obviously have a long way to go, but Saturday was a very good start at challenging their usual levels of comfort and confronting what they do.

mail e-mail: Defycops(at)
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RE: RE: RE: Indeed... Possible uncover FIT???

17.03.2008 18:03

RE: RE: RE: Indeed... Possible uncover FIT???

''The person you are fingering is known to myself and other indymedia people as a trusted independent film maker who is regularly harrased by the cops, especially the FIT. Making false accusations against genuine activists is a well documented tactic of real spooks. I would advise 'Coal' to be a bit more careful about making paranoid accusations about people unless you want others to start drawing unfortunate conclusions about YOU.


Yes thanks for pointing that out guys, that im completely fucking wrong!!!

If this is the case then i stand corrected.

THOUGH HE DIDNT SEEM TO BE GETTING MUCH IN THE WAY OF HARRASED ON THE DAY... infact quite the oppossite. The reason why i brought all this up is because first of all i clocked the guy at trafalgar square following around Class War autonomous bloc. (SOMEONE TRYING TO MASK UP... THERE HE WAS SNAPPING AWAY!!!)

Then later on at one point halfway round the demo, FitWatch blocking the FIT,there he was AGAIN TRYING TO GET HIS LENSE UP UNDER THE BANNER snapping way!! Where the uniformed FIT couldnt. I tried to ask the guy was he with the FIT or something, and he fucking walked off pretty sharpish!!!!

If these are the actions of a genuine (does he have a holographic sticker stuck to him to prove this)
activist, well known independent blah blah who regularly gets harrased by the police then fucking hell!!!!


I think that just about says it all.



I'll Second That...

17.03.2008 18:48

No worries, that guy's cool. Do you really think an undercover FIT would be that obvious about filming folks? FIT's largely an intimidation tactic anyways, so being undercover has little use to them.

Innocent Dave

RE: I'll Second That...

17.03.2008 19:41

'Do you really think an undercover FIT would be that obvious about filming folks?'

Ummm yeah... They use such tactics all the time. It's not a case of being obvious with so many genuine photographers all around now is it. You must reliase that the FIT or uncover cops will and do try to worm there way into things... Not only on demos/events but at meetings/partys at squatted social centres/raves etc... You can normally spot them a mile off with there bizarre conversations and dodgy slang words if you've got/want any drugs etc.

Wake up people please!!!

BUT... Let it be known that i am sorry if it seemed i was pointing the finger. But like i said i did try speak to the dude but he walked off very sharpish... I guess/hope for a innocent reason.




17.03.2008 20:26

'Coal' I think you've said enough about other about a bit more info on you? I don't believe for an instant the fella you have made such a big deal in pointing out is a cop. But I am starting to wonder if you are. Care to identify yourself a bit more to allay my fears? A picture of yourself at a demonstration perhaps?

another fitwatcher

RE: Unreal

17.03.2008 21:30

'Coal' I think you've said enough about other about a bit more info on you? I don't believe for an instant the fella you have made such a big deal in pointing out is a cop. But I am starting to wonder if you are. Care to identify yourself a bit more to allay my fears? A picture of yourself at a demonstration perhaps?

What!!! okay sure.... i'm at the end... red scarf round face. I'm sure you can figure out how to look for more pics from there if you need to (sorry bout extra long link)


blah blah

17.03.2008 22:47


... it has been made known that the guy is cool... well thats great.... if you bothered to read what ive wrote you know why i brought the subject up in the first place!.. .muppets!!... dont start wondering if im now a fucking cop. I wasnt the one who fuckin ran off when i approached the guy.

Theres quite clearly friends of the photographer on this topic, so maybe you could mention to him when he's taking pictures of people in the middle of something at demos to try and act a bit more 'on there side' instead of dodgey.

And finally...

It was a good day in the end. I think we could have been a bit more organished though, we seemed to be a bit far stretched out at times on the march.... some kind of bigger banner could have been used. (anyone know what happend to the big class war banner at the beginning?)
Making our own way to the front and pissing off the stewards was great... Chanting Class War!!! instead of what the rest of the sheep were saying. Fantastic.

Looking forward to mayday... last year was great ... this year lets get even more organished!!!


sorry Coal,

18.03.2008 09:26

of course you are not a cop and I shouldn't have accused you. It's all too easy to get paranoid! Trust and solidarity will do us all a lot better than accusations and paranoia. The last thing we need is division between ourselves.


dont conform to type

18.03.2008 11:40

Oh dear, Little 'coal'
How long you been doing this mate?
I come from mining background too, and cant see my unionist ancestors conforming to type by wearing muslins and drinking camomile - does that make one a 'real' peace-nik?
Or is it look- at-me-I'm-an-activist bandana round the face that proves it these days?

Howeva we dress ourselves, its our intentions & actions that are important, (do your homework on this guy) and to be honest, if I had someone like you come up and ask if I was working as some undercover nark, I wouldn't grace that with an answer either.

Theres not enuf of us to play divide & conquer - the more we remember that the more effective we'll be.
Top marks for enthusiasm boyo - keep up the observations - its all a learning process.
old skool

old skool


18.03.2008 17:50

whilst it can be all to easy to jump to suspicions. I think (coal) has brought up some good points. We who stand against the state should be looking over our shoulders from time to time and asking questions, cos like has been pointed out... you don't know who that camera lens belongs to.

WE should be standing together not divided, thats the only way we will ever smash the state.

rudulf rockers goldsfish


19.03.2008 15:10

I take pictures with 'an oversize camera' too, but that's because I prefer to use quality kit to get good results for posting on the web, as well as taking my photography seriously enough to invest some money in decent equipment.

Doesn't mean to say that I'm working for The Man though, does it?

In fact, if you want to accurately document who these spooks are on the day and other events taking place, you want the best image resolution/definition you can get, as subtle recorded details (which the naked eye can often miss) are sometimes the difference between liberty and prison.

This means using 'an oversize camera' with decent lenses/zoom.

As for the behaviour of the mysterious bald bloke, well who knows.
Only time will tell, if/when they turn up in other places, so judge ye not just yet, let the evidence mount first.


Robots in disguise

19.03.2008 15:56


old skool

19.03.2008 16:33

'old skool'

... i don't come from a mining background, so i dont know were you got that one from, or are you 'trying' to guess that by my name? You must have some partly good info though, cos yes thats right... i am welsh.... though only by half... i guess thats why you 'thought' you could call me boyo?
''If you had someone like me come up to you and ask if your uncover nark... you wouldnt grace an answer either?''... Do you bothering reading? Do you know me? Or do you just like to be 'yer bruv' in your comments?

People can walk round with there Fitwatch banners and hassle police if they like. But dont you think thats just gonna make them not wear there uniforms more and try and 'blend' in as so called 'trusted' photographers.

... the cops do and will blend in more if we continue to walk around with blinkers on... (eyes ahead,not seeing to the sides).

It's nice to see that there is some people who reliase this.


Heated debate

19.03.2008 17:55

People this is all getting a bit heated... calm down all.

'coal' .... i believe ya man, if you say you asks him is he cool and he runs off. yeah i have to admit i'd think he's FIT to. there was a time when you could tell a nark just by the size of his kit, no matter what jeans he's wearing,but times are changed,everyone has flashy gear now.



Advice for activists: Avoid 'Coal' at all costs.

30.03.2008 16:06

I have never met this jerk but lets take a brief look at his contribution to this debate, (if you can call it that):

1) He has made the most serious and damaging accusations imaginable against an innocent person without even bothering to check his paranoid conspiracy theories with anyone else. The FIT must be laughting their socks off.

"Hey those dumb anarchists are so unsettleted by our tactics they are now turning on each other, mission accomplished lads!".

Not to mention the fact that an innocent and seemingly respected film maker could get their equipment trashed and their face rearranged if someone took these false accusations by 'Coal' at all seriously.

2) He has also been stupid enough to post a link to a picture of himself. So from here on the FIT know exactly who to target if they wan't to spread anymore paranoia (which by the way is their main task).

"Ok men, today we are going to stich up a couple more journos whom we consider to be too sympathetic to those anarchists and lefties. If you see any of them near the troublemakers go up to them and talk to them as if you are in cahoots with them. They can't tell you to fuck off cos if they do they will lose their press cards. Make sure this loser (holds up high resolution image of 'Coal') sees you and he will do the rest."

Putting Fit cops on the streets is very expensive. Getting a single Fit cop to monitor sites like Indymedia and gather intelligence on individuals and their relaitionships with others is much cheaper not to mention cost effective if people are arrogant enough to play their petty personal battles in public.

3) This prick considers himself to be so important that anyone who refuses to talk to him is clearly a spook with a sinister state agenda. This movement has enough egos to drag it down without adding another. My advice is to avoid this moron until he grows up.


hidden coal's copper accusation

30.03.2008 20:02

hia, the film maker and photographer is indeed a friend and imc uk volunteer, therefore the original accusation has now been hidden. Will be asking around if whole threat should be hidden though its probably very symptomatically and educationally pointing out the overreacting paranoia levels of some activists!


Larry the sheep... or should that be lamb?

31.03.2008 12:25

Oh dear i thought this tread had ended... but no theres always some 'prick' who wants to put his little piece in. Yes Larry well done i think we all know now that photographer happends to be okay.

"Hey those dumb anarchists are so unsettleted by our tactics they are now turning on each other, mission accomplished lads!".

Yes thats right Larry, so why continue it here then?!?!!!???

''2) He has also been stupid enough to post a link to a picture of himself. So from here on the FIT know exactly who to target if they wan't to spread anymore paranoia (which by the way is their main task). ''

It doesnt matter that i put up some half covered picture up... i'm sure the FIT have enough pictures of me, both from there own lenses, and from your 'friend' photographers.

3) This prick considers himself to be so important that anyone who refuses to talk to him is clearly a spook with a sinister state agenda. This movement has enough egos to drag it down without adding another. My advice is to avoid this moron until he grows up.

No i dont consider myself to be so important.... you also need to look into the facts and maybe get out more, before trying to put your little piece in here.




31.03.2008 12:45

Indymedia please do take down this whole thread... its not important....its just turning into a slanging match and attracting all sorts of nastys.

Its not want we need on here. We of the left etc should be united not ganging up on our own, so do think about taking it down.


rudulf rockers goldfish

Not helping matters 'Larry'

31.03.2008 13:29

'Advice for activists: Avoid 'Coal' at all costs'
Does not help matters 'Larry'
Indymedia should take down this whole topic.


Take this topic(s) down.

31.03.2008 16:51

I've been reading this 'topic' over the last week or two.
And while it has brought up some points, it's also turned
into a slanging match. A simpler one seems to be appearing on another topic...

'Are you Redwatch in disguise? FITwatch at the STWC demo - pics'
where someone i happen to know is been named as, and even a photo to go with it...
as undercover FIT. This is completely not true.

It seems here on this topic that 'coal' did the rather silly thing of putting up a link
of a photo of some guy, who it later now is claimed is okay,
wondering if this person is undercover FIT. And ends up getting slated for it
... Bet he wishes he didn't bother now! ;)

It seems that 'coal' did bother to ask this person if he was sound but never got
a reply for one reason or another.

FITwatch put up a photo off something i know, saying he's FIT, without even asking him!!
This of course has pissed me off no end, as it is a very wrong thing to do.

I don't know whats happening to the movement lately. It seems at one
moment we all stand up and make our voices heard. The next we are
ganging up on each other, by calling each other 'prick' name calling and asking others
to 'avoid' certain people in the titles of there entries.

It's already been put forward that indymedia should take down this topic
'M15 ANTI-WAR DEMO' as it is just turning into a slanging match and missing
the whole ideal of indymedia.

BUT may i also ask that indymedia think about taking down the
'Are you Redwatch in disguise? FITwatch at the STWC demo - pics' topic as well.

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