Pictures © 2008, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.
SOCPA placard outside the National Gallery
Demonstrators in Trafalgar Square
Officer attempts to impede photography during stop and search, Whitehall

Despite the gravity of the issue, only a small group of demonstrators turned up, and at the start of the event they were outnumbered by the media - and were only a minute fraction of the police presence. A few arrived later, and some went home quickly, but at the peak numbers were still under 50. A senior officer came over at the start and issued a warning that serious action would be taken if any demonstration in the SOCPA designated area were attempted, handing out copies of the usual notice. A demonstrator took notes and the FIT photographer photographed and filmed everything that moved.
Later this photographer objected to demonstrators photographing him from a close range and several times pushed out his arm in an unfortunate gesture resembling a Nazi salute, at one point hitting a demonstrator in the throat. Later, harassed by a 'serious criminal' with her 'Illegali-Tea' shopping trolley, he ran off and scuttled off up the steps of the National Gallery to escape, much to the amusement of all present, including even some of his colleagues.
A small group of demonstrators decided to set off for Parliament Square, walking quietly along the pavement. One young man who managed to evade the police (but not several press photographers) was stopped and searched by police opposite Downing St, who forced him to remove his balaclava. The most suspicious things found on him were a National Express ticket and a strong Newcastle accent.
In Parliament Square the peace protest was continuing as usual, and one protester was producing a splendid chalk pavement drawing. As I watched a police community support van drew up by her and it looked for a moment as if she was about to be apprehended, but seeing several press photographers taking pictures, the van drove off.
Later in the day a small group of the 'Freedom to Protest' demonstrators walked down Whitehall and through Parliament Square, and a short protest was held. Followed by a police van and the FIT photographer and minder they then made their way to a pub on the Horseferry Road, causing a little consternation among police around the Home Office as they passed close by. But the demonstrators went into the pub and police and press went home.
More about the event and more pictures on My London Diary

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