When Mexican paramilitary forces shot Brad Will in the chest, killing
him, his camera fell from his hands. But it didn't stop recording. It
continued moving from hand to hand.
Brad's camera paints us a picture of what his life was about, and what
so many of his friends continue to struggle for.
== Popular Uprising in Oaxaca ==
When Mexican paramilitary forces shot Brad Will in the chest, killing
him, his camera fell from his hands. But it didn't stop recording. It
continued moving from hand to hand, telling Brad's story, as well as the
story of the movement of movements that he was a part of. From the
squats of New York to the forests of Oregon, from the anti-globalization
protests in Seattle, Prague, Quebec to the popular uprising in Oaxaca,
Brad's camera paints us a picture of what his life was about, and what
so many of his friends continue to struggle for.
Film screening and debate. Starting 8PM
Location map and route:

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