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Oppose The Police Federation - Weds 23rd January

Class War | 20.01.2008 21:19 | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | London | South Coast

Details of the opposition being planned to the cheekiest march of all time.

If you have ever had a bad experience of the police, or simply cannot stand the cheek of people who have smashed other workers campaigners suddenly demanding their 'rights'........

Meet at 1100 junction of Achilles Way and Park Lane, Weds 23rd January 2008. Lets give the Police Federation march a record booing!

It is time to boo a booby!

Class War
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Hide the following 11 comments

Why don't they get a real job....

20.01.2008 22:10

Anyone going to join in with shouts of "get a real job you spunging scum" as the Plod walk past?

Miner Me

why we should all love cops

20.01.2008 22:45

we love cops
we love cops

All freedom loving people should support the police because:

1. Crime is one of the greatest forms of oppression and especially effects poorer sections of society who deserve to be protected. We need the police to do this difficult task, they should be very well paid and given all the resources required to do the job.

2. Upholding the Rule of Law is the only way to ensure even a modicum of justice. We need the police to protect society from tyranny.

3. Such is the nature of the world that if the institutions, business's and individuals in a freedom loving society are not protected they will be robbed, raped and pillaged by the enemies of freedom; selfish bastards, corrupt corporations & eco criminals. We need the police to stop the people who selfishly try to take what ever they want by exploiting others, regardless of the consequences.

4. Arguments, accidents, freak outs, lost people, violence in hospitals, and 'domestics' often end up serious enough to require police help and/or intervention. We need the police to be the strong arm of the social services.

5. Murders happen. We need the police to be well trained and well paid, and therefore well prepared, to track down the dangerous and demented souls who for what ever reason, violently target others.

6. Even demonstrations by police people need policing. The sacred right to protest is rightly protected at vast cost to tax payers - by the police. Without a strong police presence at demonstrations, industrial disputes and riots, the freedom to protest would be lost to violent confrontation between opposing fractions. Bully boy tactics and intimidation of members of the public by extremists both left and right can also be prevented thanks to the police.

Better to have police people who are well paid, than even one bent cop. Better to have an efficient professional police force and the rule of law and justice, than mob rule and the rule of gangs and criminal 'war lords'.

Better to have democracy (however flawed), protected and upheld (by the police & ultimately the army), to having bogus 'people's committee's' run by self proclaimed 'revolutionaries' after the collapse of civilised society.

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TrueAnarchist, A Question...

20.01.2008 23:58

...that was ironic, right? Please tell me it was ironic.

And Miner Me, I always do :)

Innocent Dave
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class bore hype

21.01.2008 00:24

Don't get taken in by the juvenile class war hype - as most of these so called 'anarchists' are paid police informers and professional 'agent provocateurs' no doubt they are hoping for a pay rise.

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schmoo is just a cannabis taken looser

21.01.2008 08:55

He is just a drop out druggy, rants on his shit blog and has little or no clue about politics beyond his own little circle. He is what you may describe as a hippy cunt.




At least Schmo can spell

21.01.2008 09:14

There is a difference between "taken" and "taking". He may well be a "drop out druggy" but at least he has a basic grasp of the English language. If you want to be taken seriously, you may need to be a little more eloquent, and present a slightly more coherent argument than "he's a hippy cunt".

Especially after he's just posted a pro-police diatribe that would suggest he's anything but a hippy.

Grammar Nazi

Excuse Me Whilst I Demolish You

21.01.2008 18:15

1. Crime is one of the greatest forms of oppression and especially effects poorer sections of society who deserve to be protected. We need the police to do this difficult task, they should be very well paid and given all the resources required to do the job.

Most crime that affects poor people is caused by

a) An unequal economic system that the police support and perpetuate, or

b) Rich people who the police often actively aid and protect.

Also, the police are highly paid, they earn a ludicrous amount for the work they do - or for any work. And by doing so they contribute to the problem of relative poverty, which has been repeatedly and indisputably proven to be a major cause of crimes such as mugging, burglary, drug supply and manufacture, etc, etc.

2. Upholding the Rule of Law is the only way to ensure even a modicum of justice. We need the police to protect society from tyranny.

The Rule of Law has never done anything but undermine justice, in individual cases as well as in a broader, 'social justice' sense. Also, name me one insurection where the police didn't instantly take the side of tyranny. The way to ensure justice is to empower the people to deliver it themselves.

3. Such is the nature of the world that if the institutions, business's and individuals in a freedom loving society are not protected they will be robbed, raped and pillaged by the enemies of freedom; selfish bastards, corrupt corporations & eco criminals. We need the police to stop the people who selfishly try to take what ever they want by exploiting others, regardless of the consequences.

So, we need the police to protect us from the police?

I don't need anyone to protect me from anyone. I protect myself and my comrades, and they protect me. Again, what we need is empowerment. It might seem like i'm repeating myself here, but your arguments are all basically the same. And rubbish.

4. Arguments, accidents, freak outs, lost people, violence in hospitals, and 'domestics' often end up serious enough to require police help and/or intervention. We need the police to be the strong arm of the social services.

Have you ever actually been a victim of a crime? I've been mugged (at gunpoint once), had my house broken into, and been beaten up by a partner. And every time the police didn't want to know. The old argument about needing the police because they stop crime is rubbish, because they don't.

5. Murders happen. We need the police to be well trained and well paid, and therefore well prepared, to track down the dangerous and demented souls who for what ever reason, violently target others.

What, and offer them a job? Sure, the police catch a few killers. They also kill a lot of innocent people in high-speed chases, kill lots of innocent people in custody, protect an unequal system that causes people to die of poverty, and so on. And if you want to know about the people violently targeting others, perhaps you should actually go on a demo one day and watch how the cops treat people.

6. Even demonstrations by police people need policing. The sacred right to protest is rightly protected at vast cost to tax payers - by the police. Without a strong police presence at demonstrations, industrial disputes and riots, the freedom to protest would be lost to violent confrontation between opposing fractions. Bully boy tactics and intimidation of members of the public by extremists both left and right can also be prevented thanks to the police.

Read about the miner's strike, you pillock.

Freedom to Protest, like any other freedom, can never be given or taken away. Freedom is something you assume. So everyone who's free on wed and can get down to London, come and assume some freedom with us. We've spent our whole lives being treated like dirt by these filth - it's payback time!

Innocent Dave
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21.01.2008 21:41

"Especially after he's just posted a pro-police diatribe that would suggest he's anything but a hippy."

scratch a hippy find a tory


Want More Pay? Become a Teacher.....

22.01.2008 03:17

Police Federation-23rd
Police Federation-23rd

So the police are annoyed at teachers being paid more than them, "IF YOU WANT MORE MONEY, BECOME A TEACHER" I wonder if they'll breach the SOCRAP SOCPA CIRCLE.......

Notorious Hecklers Everywhere.....

Im with innocent dave...

22.01.2008 17:52

FAO "we love cops" boy...

oh, please. Im not even going to justify your fallacious (and quite frankly ridiculous) arguments with an articulate response:



news of the world 'anarchists'

23.01.2008 20:03

Thanks innocentdave for providing what amounts to a classic reformist critique of the police in Britain. Few would dispute that there is a lot wrong with the quality of policing in this country, despite considerable improvements over the last 20 years. However you fail to demolish the 'we love cops' position that a professional police service is required by any society (including an anarchist society), and should be supported by anyone who wants to live in a society free from the tyranny of selfishness and crime.

Too many people, including you i suspect, call themselves anarchists, but have actually brought into the 'news of the world' version of anarchism which perpetuates an utterly perverted image of anarchy as being violent, chaotic and totally unrealistic, when the exact opposite is true.

Groups like 'Class War' only serve the corrupt forces of oppression by supplying the right wing press with exactly the stereotype cartoon image they require, on a platter (an emailed press release no doubt), to utterly demonise anarchism . The 'Evading Standards' and the 'Daily Malice' love Class War!

Class War's violence very effectively destroyed the anti capitalist 'mayday' movement which at one point had to chance of gaining widespread public support. Now it seems all the so called 'anarchist' movement can do on Mayday is provide the pathetic spectacle of a few dozen people looking like members of the BNP marching at the rear of the annual Trade Union May Day march.

In fact there seems very little difference between Class War and the BNP. Just like the BNP (as the comments above show), these 'News of the World anarchists' hate hippies and liberals, they support cannabis prohibition, and their main political currency is prejudice, hatred and violence. Class War even supports the death penalty! The only slight difference seems to be that while the BNP use Racism, Class War uses Hatism. They have nothing positive to offer.

Those who think that a true anarchist has to be anti police expose their utter ignorance of anarchist political theory and practice. For example during the Spanish Civil War, when a large part of Spain became an anarchist 'state', they even built an anarchist prison to hold arrested fascist criminals, complete with cells painted in 'dadaist' style intended to psychologically weaken the inmates!

It is time that true anarchists rejected the narrow bigotry of these 'News of the World Anarchists' and reclaimed the streets for a real social revolution, which would be supported by millions of people. As any revolutionary should know, a successful revolution requires the support of important sections of society - including the police. This is why true anarchists should take the position of supporting the police instead of making them the enemy, which they are not. The demonisation of the police is a massive red herring allowing the real enemies of freedom to get away scot free.

Of course we should stand up against corruption and other crimes against society - and one way is to demand a police force free of corruption, incompetence and prejudice. Taking up a self defeating, ridiculous and childish 'anti police' position will never work. We need them on our side, and many of them could be.

PS: Just to correct some other comments here: 'schmoo' is not a 'hippy' although i do think the hippies were right about a lot of things. I don't smoke cannabis, but I am totally against any kind of prohibition. I have been on loads of demo's & protests and know all about the Miners Strike. On one occasion (in the 70's) was badly beaten up for no reason by about 10 hysterical cops, and then falsely arrested for GBH to a police officer, so I think I know all about bad policing. I also think people who use the word 'cunt' as an insult simply expose their innate misogyny. Pillock is far better, but I think resorting to crass insults just exposes weakness of intellect. All the best, schmoo xxx

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