www.azadizan.com Address: PO Box 42300
Chairperson: Azar Majedi London N12 0WY

Tel: +44-7886973423
Fax: +44-8701358385
Date: 15/01/2008
To whom it may concern
Re: Miss Parvin Dehghani
your ref: R06-00737 iranian, F05-02762, ARC:5506529
I am writing this letter On behalf of Organisation for Women’s Liberation-Iran in support of Miss Parvin Dehghani (42 years old) and her application for refugee status outside Iran.
Parvin residing in Cyprus was arrested by the Cypriot authorities on 20th December 2007 and was issued deportation order to Iran on 17th January 2008. On this day Parvin was arrested by the Cypriot police to be taken to the airport. Parvin kept saying to the authorities that her life is in danger in Iran and should not be sent to Iran. The authorities did not listen to her and forcefully and violently took her away. As a consequence she has bruises on her face. Her flight to Iran had a stop in Dubai where she is at the moment. She is suffering physically and mentally.
We strongly condemn Parvin’s arrest and the deportation and urge all international bodies not to deport her to Iran. Parvin deserves to be granted asylum in Cyprus.
Parvin had to flee Iran in 2005 on the grounds that she was imprisoned and sentenced to 70 lashes for “drinking alcohol”; and 80 lashes for having “unlawful relation”. Parvin is not the only woman in Iran to be subjected to humiliation, arrest and torture for defying Islamic laws and regulations.
Women in Iran are third class citizens and are considered weak and less able. Women are banned from a wide range of social, economic and political activities; Islamic veil is compulsory. Women are separated from men in buses, universities, and many public places. Husbands and fathers are their guardians, at home and outside. Women cannot travel, even within the country, without permission from their male guardians. They have no right to divorce, or custody of their children. The list is endless.
Islamic Republic regime of Iran uses every opportunity to attack women and “show them their place”, i.e. indoors where they should not be seen or heard. Anybody like Parvin defying these rules are persecuted, arrested, tortured or even executed. Parvin’s life is in danger in Iran. She defied the rules and the Islamic regime of Iran is fully aware of it. Parvin should not be deported to Iran.
In our view, due to her past convictions and the fact that she was and still is against the Islamic Republic of Iran Parvin Dehghani has a well-founded fear of persecution based on her records in Iran. We strongly believe that she warrants recognition as a political refugee and protection foreseen by the United Nations’ Convention and the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. Her life and freedom would be in serious danger if she were forced to return to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information in this regard.
Yours sincerely,
Maryam Kousha
Organisation for Women’s Liberation

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