By©Muhammad Haque
2240 Hrs GMT
Thursday 3 January 2008
Two items of pro Ken Livingstone propaganda as published today carry the evidence of Ken Livingstone's desperation. As observers of the manifestly disintegrating Ken Livingstone image will have noticed, the Guardian ahs been playing a less than helpful role in the destruction of Ken Livingstone’s career. It was the Guardian that brought us the farcical claim that Doreen Lawrence had become a spokesperson for London’s black people n the matter of the preservation of Ken Livingstone’s career at the expense of the democratic right of the people of London to exercise an effective say n the future 'governance' of London as it relates to the role and the duties of whosever seeks any London wide public office including the office of mayor for the capital city as Tony Blair ill-advisedly and divertingly created this highly wasteful and scandalizing opportunity!
The item as first published first by the Guardian Unbelievable website abut 22 hours ago with the additionally ‘Muslim sounding’ by-line
“Riazat Butt, religious affairs correspondent
Thursday January 3, 200”

The BBC too published the item on their website. As they dated it as at 1138 GMT. January 2008

Neither version of the Ken Livingstone propaganda item contains any evidence as to who Livingstone’s supposed ‘Muslim leaders’ were, or, more importantly, what the basis was for their alleged claim, by the Guardian and the BBC that these alleged Muslim leaders were representing any universally applicable and ethically pure and evidentially founded democratic or similar moral position of an informed community where the Muslim presence was contextually significant.
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