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Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill - objection to be put to 'House of Lords

AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill | 22.12.2007 20:32 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | London | World

On 8 January 2008, the UK Upper Chamber ['House of Lords] 'select committee' on the 'Crossrail Bill' starts receiving formal objections to the 'Bill'. That Bill has just been 'sent' there by the 'Lower House' [=] the 'House of Commons' which gave it the 'Third Reading'. Khoodeelaar! is organising a series of formal objections to be put to that ‘committee’ against the contents and the purpose of the ‘Crossrail Bill’. The background is that constitutional campaigning CAN produce results. May be not all that is wanted. But the Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail hole Bill track record shows that we have had some results. It is a matter of serious consideration whether the same outcome would have been available had we stayed inactive, silent and casual and ‘hoped’ for the part-time, media-fixated ‘faces’ occupying any number of public positions [fetching them handsome cash remuneration and other benefits] in the name of the East End to make the odd, publicity-oriented utterances…

By©Muhammad Haque
2020 Hrs GMT
Saturday 22 December 2007

On 30 March 2006, Alistair Darling had to enter a ‘written statement’ in the House of Commons to confirm a change to the relevant contents of the then Crossrail Bill. That change was about the excavation shaft that had been plotted to be sited in the Hanbury Street.

Alistair Darling’s ‘written statement’ was preceded by and was directly linked with a political retreat that our campaign had pushed Darling et al into making – that retreat was signalled in a typically snide and crafty way by Ken Livingstone on Friday 24 March 2006 when Lyingstill made an incredible and unethical announcement that the Hanbury Street CrossRail DIRT hole [‘the excavation shaft’] had been scrapped.

The manner in which Livingstone behaved in staging that stunt on 24 March 2006 was offensive.

But he too was exhibiting the key retreat in the face of our then imminent legal action that had been announced two days earlier as scheduled to start against Darling et al in the High Court with an application being filed on Monday 27 March 2006.

On 18 December 2007, Khoodeelaar! was contacted by the ‘local’ ‘East London Idiotiser’ with an alleged statement issued to them at 1605 Hrs on that date by the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council announcing an alleged bit of ‘good news for Crossrail’, which turned out to be yet another retreat BY Crossrail and the promoters of the unwanted CRASSRAIL hole plot.

The subsequent ‘news report’ , the exposure of the Idiotiser on their getting key facts wrong [again!!!] and the comments on that [so far] are testimony to the fact that the Khoodeelaar! campaign has been actively embarked on the defence of the East End of London against the Big Business ploy disguised as a transport ‘project’.

[To be continued]

AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill
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Gordon Brown must recognise the truth - drop Big Business Crossrail now

07.01.2008 14:09

In September 2007, Khoodeelaar! Organiser Muhammad Haque wrote about Gordon Brown what not a single one of the 'mainstream uk media' commentators had said for another good month and still not as comprehensively!

The words, the contents and the message have proven to be totally correct and appropriate. All the media commentators have since echoed Muhammad Haque’s acute dissection of Gordon Brown’s disintegrating image and grasp as the ‘prudent’ finance and economics man!

For that reason, it is important that Gordon Brown does not ignore what the Khoodeelaar! Campaign is telling him now: Drop the CRASSRail hole plan NOW!

What the Khoodeelaar! organiser Muhammad Haque had said about Gordon Brown in September 2007:
" Even as the increasingly economically misdirected agenda of the one-time ‘prudent’ Gordon Brown slides down to reach the abyss of embarrassment by Gordon Brown’s embrace of the sinister ploys of the ego-centric Ken Livingstone who has been the main tout for Big Business Crossrail hole plot, the pitfalls and the wastefulness of CrossRail are being acknowledged by some of the most unlikely of quarters and sources - including, in a bizarrely twisted way, by some within Livingstone's own empire for abuse of transport in the name of the people of London , Transport for London!. The Khoodeelaar! Movement has been monitoring and auditing these events. So that there is no claim after the disaster hits everyone, that ‘we were not warned’. So here is another timely and exclusive contribution by the Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot campaign. Even The London Times [owned by Rupert Murdoch] has been confronted with irresistible evidence, which they have to recognise, confirming what Khoodeelaar! Analyses of Crossrail have consistently shown. In the latest report published by the Times today [Friday 14 September 2007] they have outlined some of the very things that the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the Crossrail hole project has found in the very detailed analysis of the other studies on the subject, including the 'Eddington Transport study - the case for action'. In a comment to the Times web site, Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole Bill campaign organiser Muhammad Haque has said this morning that the Time’s “identification of the problems that Crossrail will cause represents a broader view of the problems than the promoters of the current plan will claim. It is time to go back to the drawing boards and come up with the plan that will be economically and environmentally sustainable. A great deal of public money has already been wasted in the bureaucracy of the Crossrail Company. They have not produced the optimum solution to the transport needs of London. The reason why they have not done so includes the sabotage of the parliamentary scrutiny of the Crossrail Bill. In terms of the devastating effects the Crossrail hole plan will cause to the East End of London, the social deficits will far outweigh any promised economic benefits for these parts. With the world of finance behaving in the unpredictable way that it is bound to do, the promoters' big claim for Crossrail being vital to make London a world class financial centre will most likely be another wasteful and diversionary exaggeration. Scrap the Crossrail Bill now. Use sustainable economic solution to the transport needs of London.” ……." "

Khoodeelaaronline, the campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill
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