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Veg*n Climate March report

The Campaign for Eco-Veg*nism | 19.12.2007 16:50 | Animal Liberation | Climate Chaos | Ecology | London | World

On Saturday 8th December 2007, the Campaign for Eco-Veg*nism set out to coordinate the "biggest ever mobilisation of vegetarians and vegans on environmental grounds" at the National Climate March in London. We called on veggies and vegans to join a Veg*n Climate March, which in effect would be a `veg*n block` within the main march. See report below.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for more about CEV and the shocking facts regarding meat/dairy production which reveal that our diet is critical to the survival of the planet!!

Sadly, the veg*n block never actually materialised! Instead, veg*n campaigners mingled with the masses, displaying placards and leafletting. This was primarily because the very few people involved in coordinating the event, didn`t arrive till very late due to travel delays. As a result of this, there were no big/tall banners at the meeting point on Millbank, which would have enabled veg*ns to find each other and gather together. We suspect that some veg*ns who turned up, didn`t take part because there was no veg*n block to join. We apologise for this.

Despite heavy rain, strong winds and near freezing temperatures, those that came armed with banners, placards and their own supply of leaflets, enjoyed a very productive day. Many thousands of leaflets were handed out, to both environmentalists and the general public. National groups represented and promoted at the march included Viva, Animal Aid, Vegan Society and Vegetarian Society. There was also a contingent from the Christian Vegetarian Association and we heard of individuals who travelled from as far as Romania to take part!! Other marchers were heard to comment that they had not seen anything like so many veg*ns at such events in the past.

Since we never actually assembled together, it is impossible to accurately estimate the number of veg*n campaigners that marched. But we spotted at least 50 such people ourselves, amongst the estimated 10,000 taking part. Clearly, we wouldn`t have spotted everyone, so there could well have been upto 100 of us eco-veg*ns. Sadly, we heard from many more people that would have attended if they had not been busy elsewhere. There were more than half a dozen other events on the same day.

The march finished at Grosvenor Square where there was a rally. Speeches were given by a number of high profile campaigners and politicians, including the environmentalist and journalist George Monbiot, Michael Meacher MP and Caroline Lucas, Green Party MEP. Caroline finished her speech by urging the crowd to change their diet for the benefit of the planet. She said that livestock are responsible for more climate gas emissions than the worlds entire transport system, and she said that a vegan driving a 4x4 does less damage to the planet than a meat eater on a bicycle!! You can watch her speech on our MySpace front page.

Despite the obvious problems, we achieved what we set out to - the biggest ever mobilisation of vegetarians and vegans on environmental grounds! It was an extremely effective day, which may well result in hundreds if not thousands reducing their consumption of animal products or ditching them from their diet entirely!!

Next year, we intend to be far better coordinated. We will have big banners and tall flags at the start of the march to enable all those that wish to march in a block to meet up. We will encourage more groups/individuals to try their hand at banner making, you can be so much more effective with good sized banners! And we`ll encourage other groups to keep the day as free as possible, to enable more veg*ns to attend.

To all those that braved the weather conditions, we thank you. We believe that without doubt, you helped create history! But don`t become complacent, there is much work to be done. The lives of billions of animals and the future of the planet itself, depend on your continued eco-veg*n campaigning!!


CEV is currently little more than a banner under which the Veg*n Climate March on Saturday 8th December 2007 was organised. We have been animal rights/environmental/veggie/vegan campaigners for many years and we feel (hopefully as you do) that the general publics concern about climate change(and general increasing interest in green issues) presents a fantastic opportunity to promote eco-friendly plant based diets, for the benefit of animals, people and the planet.

Originally, we had intended that following the march, CEV would disappear as fast as it was formed, but we are now determined that CEV will not just be a one demo wonder! We feel that by concentrating our campaigning efforts on the environmental benefits of vegetarianism and veganism, that a truly compassionate & ethical world really is possible within our lifetime!!

If you, like us, are interested in grassroots veggie/vegan campaigning from an environmental perspective, why not join us? We hope that, at the very least, local groups/individuals across the UK who wish to campaign from this angle will join our online forum/email list, MySpace and Facebook pages and share information, compare notes and speed up progress towards a veg*n world! We also have a website, which at the moment is a very bare page but will eventually become a mine of eco-veg*n campaigning info!

With the help of likeminded people, we will work towards our ultimate goal - animal & earth liberation!!


Livestocks Long Shadow - A report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Nov 2006. This report exposes meat and dairy production as the major cause of many of the worlds environmental catastrophies

Diet of Disaster - Viva!`s latest comprehensive and fully referenced report.

The Campaign for Eco-Veg*nism
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Hide the following 6 comments

a quick comment on one of the banners

19.12.2007 18:26

Great march - especially the veg*n bloc - well done all!
Just wanted to make a quick comment on one of the banners - not to have a dig at anyone, but just to make a point. The banner insinuates that 3% Co2 emissions are from planes while 18% is from livestock trade. As a vegan myself, i fully believe that the livestock industry is not only sickeningly cruel, but also one of the main causes of climate change and that this issue needs to be acted on. I am also strongly opposed to the aviation industry, which i why i wanted to point out that the 3% quoted is slightly off the mark. It is true that 3(ish)% is the governments figure, but no government claims responsibility for the carbon emmitted in international airspace e.g most of the carbon! the 3% thing is a government and buisness lie, and while i'm sure the good vegan folks who made the banner did so with the best intentions, the actual figure is much higher. The solution is simple - stop flying AND go vegan!!

Well done to everyone who showed up - and well done to all on the veg*n bloc, who highlighted a huge area of climate change causing buisness that many choose to ignore.

(A) Sab x

Lego blocks

19.12.2007 21:51

Great post! I saw some wonderful banners. I was looking for the vegan bloc but then I saw random banners sprinkled around the entire march. I think this is better for the march. Sometimes people won't see a section of the march as they at the other side so they would all miss the message. It's more powerful to mix although it's nice for solidarity to feel pride to march with others with the same passion.


This is great

19.12.2007 23:09

So I can continue driving 30k miles a year in my V8 petrol engined Landrover Defender and continue flying my current average of three or four sectors a week as long as I give up eating meat, which isn't very good for me anyway. You have a deal! Go vegan to preserve the freedom to drive and fly!


CEV oppose 4x4`s and flying too

20.12.2007 01:04

The banner that refers to 3% emissions from flying is a Viva banner. Thanks for pointing out about the emissions in international airspace not being claimed by any government, obviously a very valid point. I know the people at Viva that produced the banner so will raise this issue with them.

Is it ok to go on driving your 4x4 and flying round the globe, as long as you`re vegan???

NO, absolutely not as far as the organisers of the Veg*n Climate March are concerned. We are environmentalists, we oppose airport expansion etc etc. But everyone else on the march was there to protest on these issues. We supported them whilst adding our own message about the impact of livestock on our planet. Reducing(and eventually cutting out altogether) your consumption of animal products should be as much a part of being eco-friendly as recycling, using public transport, buying organic/local produce, reducing consumerism etc.

We predict that in years to come, the 8th December 2007 will be seen as the dawn of a new, more enlightened environmental movement. This new movement will fully embrace plant based diets as the solution to many of the catastrophies facing the planet. For anyone who really cares about the environment, the consumption of animal carcasses will become a distant memory and the natural progression from this will be veganism. The worlds first ever Veg*n Climate March was the catalyst for this change.

We have lots of ideas to push this issue forward in 2008. Meat and dairy will become a hot topic amongst all environmentalists. If you want to get involved in any way, join our email list, Myspace or Facebook. Find them all via our website, which is currently under construction



20.12.2007 01:19

3% figure for aviation is a well out-of-date figure, used by the aviation industry; first time I've heard that it's so low because it doesn't include international airspace emissions. I think it's more about that it only includes flights originating here, rather than arriving, or maybe not including connections. Sorry don't know exactly, and not sure where to point you. If you do a bit of searching on the web, let us know here what you find.


STOP ! !

21.12.2007 00:41

Driving a 4x4, seriously limit journeys in a less (environmentally) expensive car than a gas guzzling 4x4, why fly and have aero fuel pissed into our atmosphere? Is your journey really as urgent as helping to preserve life on earth by not flying? Maybe stop eating dead animals that are bred who ravage the planet's resources (not the animals fault but the breeders and those that demand dead meat and dairy)

Try veganism - better for your health, animals health and our planet's health.

In other words veganism is just all out fucking healthy all round for every thing..

btw I live in a council house and I am what class war would call a "working class" (vegan) person, I hope my comments aren't out of place here.

Not Ian Bone


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