They want to use the Freedom of Information act to find out : WHO the other bidders for the land were and WHY the plans were revealed to local residents just weeks before the sale was due to go ahead despite the sale / bids first being applied for in 2003...[giving them no time to organise and spread publicity] And WHY Gordon Brown gave the plan his backing despite promises for to build more council homes.....and in the face of widespread local opposition. Councillors have also said that they will not give the MRC planning permission and want a Public Enquiry.
Natalie Bennet of the Green Part said that "it doesn't take the MRC to research that bad housing [also lack of] and lack of community facilities are bad for health.
A march [see Camden New Journal] to Parliament is planned for thre New Year.
Support the local people of Camden! Female campaigners have said that they were approached and threatened by "shady characters" who tried to stop them campaigning. Don't leave these women, elderly campaigners and youngsters to fight this alone!!
Hide the following 15 comments
this is the only mention i could find in the camden journal
14.12.2007 10:50
you cant of looked very hard then
14.12.2007 15:37
There have been MANY articles re the lab in Camden New Journal!
14.12.2007 18:34
The editorial of the paper has made comments against the lab.
There have been MANY articles re the lab in Camden New Journal!
14.12.2007 18:34
The editorial of the paper has made comments against the lab.
It was on the letters page!
14.12.2007 18:35
This is all very sinister
14.12.2007 19:27
No - one in Camden wants this lab. No- one living / working there wants the lab!
14.12.2007 23:04
And it'scomplete rubbish that Animal Rights activists were "recruiting dissafected youths at football mtches /on the streets /in cafes and pubs....and indoctrinating us into violence!"
HEAR THIS. Local people do not want the lab!! Do not insult us by saying we were "recruited" by anyone.
And the people campigning are mostly little old ladies, teenagers, elderly men etc. I can assure you that I wasn't approached by at the football by sinister little old ladies...saying "OI! Mate! Wanna come on a riot?!"
Local people are AGAINST the lab. End of story. We will fight this together. Side by side.
Stop the lab! Save Camden! Save the animals!
15.12.2007 00:29
gordon Brown promised homes. Not backhanders to the biotech industry!
15.12.2007 15:33
Where's my council home?
My flat will overlook this monstosity! No Way!
17.12.2007 02:33
They are destroying Camden! Stop the alb and developers!
19.12.2007 22:37
The lab is disgusting! Stop the lab! Build council houses! Build a youth club!
20.12.2007 20:24
Build council homes!
Build a youth club!
Stop the lab!
21.12.2007 21:07
Fan of Roger Robinson
Peaceful demonstraters were attacked by British Library thugs. [women, kids etc]
21.12.2007 23:31
Little Old Lady
08.04.2008 20:21