Ken Livingstone went on TV last night to promote the £7 million station newly opened at St Pancras / Kings Cross. He said there will be further / future developements at the bet! Ebola, TB, Cholera, Diptheria, Meningitis, Plague, Foot and Mouth, Avian Flu, AIDS, the list goes the "World's largest virus containment facility is due to be put there....despite the area being one of London's poorest and needing vital council homes and community facilities.
Ken also stated "how Lucky" the people of Tower Hamllets are "now" [and I quote] : "They are now allowed onto the trains that used to go through the area without stopping. In the distance they could see the City and all it's work opportunities which are denied to them. Well now the trains will stop, and London's poorest people will be able to get on. They can now go to Stratford where there will be work for them in the year 2012"
Woopy fuckin doo!
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11.12.2007 17:52
Innocent Dave
Daily Mail web site carries a sort of anti-corruption piece on Ken Livingstone
11.12.2007 21:08
[Late reader writes]
The Daily Mail web page below [which may yet get removed by the owners Associated Newspapers group if they are advised by their lawyers to again cower under Livingstone’s bluff
DAILY MAIL web site 11.12.2007
Inquiry over claims London mayor's top adviser lost £500,000 public funds
Last updated at 14:46pm on 11th December 2007
Livingstone: Checks to see how money was spent
An inquiry is being carried out into £500,000 of public funds given to a community group with close links to one of Ken Livingstone's top advisers.
The capital's mayor revealed today that the London Development Agency, which awarded the money to the Brixton Base project, is conducting an "audit" to check the sums were spent properly.
This follows a series of allegations questioning the mayoral aide Lee Jasper's role in at least £2.5 million of LDA grants.
Tomorrow pressure on the Mayor will increase when the London Assembly's Liberal Democrats will call for him to invite the district auditor to investigate the LDA's awards.
Today Mr Livingstone used his City Hall press conference to attack the Evening Standard newspaper's coverage, which he claimed was without substance and merely spread “hatred” against London's black and ethnic minority communities.
He criticised the journalist responsible for the reports, Andrew Gilligan, saying he was the most discredited reporter in Britain who was seeking to boost the mayoral campaign of Tory Boris Johnson.
Mr Livingstone said: “What is obnoxious about the scale of the campaign is the amount of space that was devoted to it and the complete lack of any substance.
“If any of these people had any substantial evidence, they would have not gone to [Greater London Authority chief executive] Anthony Mayer, they would have gone to the police.
"These allegations are basically 'fishing' expeditions.”
Mr Livingstone was supported in his attack by Lord Ouseley, the former chairman of the Commission For Racial Equality; Richard Taylor, the father of murdered schoolboy Damilola, and black community leader the Rev Nims Obunge.
Mr Livingstone said he had received assurances from LDA chief executive Manny Lewis that there was an “audit trail” of funding for a number of organisations highlighted.
Today Lord Ouseley, who said he was sure the Standard's reports were without foundation after having a phone conversation with Mr Jasper, said it was wrong for black organisations to be subject to disproportionate amounts of public scrutiny.
But he added: “Every item of public expenditure has to be accounted for. It has to be appropriately applied and represent value for money.
"In the context of the allegations made, the Mayor and GLA have a responsibility to do that.”
Mr Obunge, who said Mr Jasper was a personal friend, said: “I have looked at the attacks on Mr Jasper and several black organisations, not as an attack on himself but as an attack on leadership in the black community and an attack on organisations
"within the black community. When such a campaign seeks to vilify our leaders it gives very little hope to our young people.
"We won't stand for it.”
The inquiry is set to include the operation of Brixton Base.
Shango B'Song, a film-maker who used the studios and production suite, told the Standard he had only seen £8,000 out of a £230,000 grant it was given by the LDA and had in fact financed the Base largely out of his own pocket.
late reader
People in New York and Nigeria used as "human guinea pigs" against their will.
13.12.2007 20:38
In Nigeria Pfizer were sued for carrying out Meningitis experiments on babies and children.
In Washington Heights orphans were force fed AIDS experimental drugs.
Are there sinister reasons for putting this facility on a Camden Council House Estate?
Stop the lab!
15.12.2007 00:30
This must be stopped! Stop the lab!
19.12.2007 22:36
08.04.2008 20:20